
Duddy Kravitz Quotes Analysis

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Relationships are an emotional connection between two people. In the novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler Duddy has many relationships, which change the way he acts, thinks and ultimately changes the plot dramatically. The life of Duddy changes throughout the novel from the relationships he has with his friends, family, and enemies. Duddys relationships with his friends show how he gains their trust and then once he has that trust, he uses them or steals from them to achieve his dream. Virgil, was a very good friend of Duddys that would do anything that Duddy asked. But when Duddy forges Virgil’s signature to receive money, this changes how the reader looks at Duddy as a friend to Virgil. This is proved in the quote: “Duddys stealing …show more content…

Irwin immediately disliked Duddy and he tried to steal all of Duddy’s money by setting up a fixed roulette game. Duddy ended up losing all of his money which is shown in the quote: “How much did you lose?” “Everything. Three hundred dollars.” Duddy began to scream. “You said I couldn’t lose. You told me it was impossible for me to lose.”(Richler97) Irwin is a untrustworthy person who criticizes Duddy’s speaking and poor wardrobe, tells him he’s poor and uneducated, persuades Linda to trick Duddy into thinking she’s interested in him, and worst of all cheats Duddy out his money at roulette.
Duddys teacher Mr. McPherson does not like Duddy because he is always misbehaving at school. Mr. McPherson tells Duddy that his dad is unfit to raise him, which makes Duddy mad. Duddy gets back at Mr. McPherson by prank calling him but ends up accidentally killing his wife. Mr. McPherson snaps because of this and says ““It was you who phoned, wasn’t it?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about”(38). Mr. McPherson never liked Duddy, but refused to hit him. Never letting out his anger led him to snap, and his words about Duddy killing his wife stuck in Duddy’s

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