Unit 206: The roll of a health and social care worker
Explain the difference between a working relationship and a personal relationship. 1.1
A working relationship is where you are working with other people and you are working as part of a team where each person in the team is working towards the same aims and objectives. Mutual respect and understanding is needed for a good working relationship, not every body may get on in the work place, but personal feelings and opinions should be kept to yourself and at work always be professional and civil to work colleagues.
A personal relationship is a relationship that is formed because you like a person and you choose to have a personal relationship with them. This could …show more content…
All care workers involved with a service user must be aware of what care is needed for that person and know and understand in order to co-ordinate care efficiently. This can be done by liaising with all parties involved in providing care for the individual, eg the service users themselves this will encourage and support them to be involved in their own care, helping them maintain their skills etc. social worker, family, home care agency, meals on wheels, district nurses, GP. There is no point in a GP stating dressing needs to be changed daily and district nurses go in weekly, or the district nurses go for visit at home and the person is not there because on the day they visit they are at day care. A person may have meals on wheels every day, but then gets a place within day care for 2 days per week, meals on wheels would then need to be informed that meals will not be needed on those days, also when day care is closed for bank holidays meals on wheels would be put back in place for those days, or if home care lunch calls are normally supplied, those would be put in place, this also happens if a person does not attend day care if unwell. All these things need to be sorted out before a person attends the centre, and as much information retained as possible regarding there care. Each day we have an end of day discussion so …show more content…
To resolve any conflicts between service users I would take them to a quiet location in the office if possible or the corner of the hall, I would then discuss with them the problem between them and look for a compromise, whilst keeping the situation calm and listening to both sides. I would not agree with either of them I would neutral, if I could not keep the situation under control, I would ask for help from my line manager or colleagues. We have had conflicts/issues with service users family when a service user was unable to stand and needed to be hoisted, and the family did not agree and said that there mum just needed a little lift from care staff. In the case you must always stay professional and explain that care staff are not permitted to do this as it could hurt there mum as well as the care worker and could be classed as abuse. The family would be advised not to do this themselves and that for the best interest and welfare of the service user and the family that an Occupational Health visit would be appropriate. If the family would not agree to this & for there mum to be hoisted in the day care centre, then we would have no alternative but to cancel there place and inform the commissioning team at