
Mr John Travola

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Mr John Travola
Since the environmental movement began four decades ago, there have been many differing opinions as to what role the government should play in protecting and preserving the environment. What standards should government set and at what expense? Most environmental or “green” issues are often presented as choices of either economic growth or environmental protection. This idea of having to choose between the environment and the economy has often delayed the green movement from making necessary strides. However, more and more Americans are currently looking toward options that include both environmental protection and economic growth.

During the 1970’s the war to protect the environment often focused on “point sources”—pollution that could be tied to a specific source. Some examples of “point sources” include smokestack industries, toxic waste dumping, and ocean discharge pipes. Knowing the source of the pollution made combating the problem easier. As a result, there were many victories. For example, lead emissions in the air were red...

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...of the nation’s waters are still unsuitable for such proposes.

Unlike conservatives, moderates feel that when pertaining to our health and safety, there is wide spread public support in the battle for reducing environmental pollution without a regard to cost. Environmental progress has been slow. However, this has been due to inadequate and uneven enforcement of many regulations. Pollution can still most certainly be limited by enacting regulations; there is no need for radically changes in lifestyle as the liberals argue.
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Environment - Environment Since the environmental movement began four decades ago, there have been many differing opinions as to what role the government should play in protecting and preserving the environment. What standards should government set and at what expense. Most environmental or “green” issues are often presented as choices of

Cited: 1953 words (5.6 pages) $34.95 [preview] Energy and the Environment: Fossil Fuels - Energy and the Environmen

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