The Impact of Globalisation on Africa
Abdullah Al Saleh Philanthropist
Published by 2010
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The Impact of Globalisation on Africa
Abdullah Al Saleh
Table of Content
Introduction Positive impacts of Globalization
Economic Opportunities Foreign Direct Investment
Negative impacts of Globalization
Culture Employment patterns Structural Adjustment Program (SAPs) Case Study Global Trade
Conclusion Bibliography
Brain Drain
1 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12
The Impact of Globalisation on Africa
Abdullah Al Saleh
“Poverty is like a heat; you cannot see it; you can only feel it; so to know poverty you have to go through it.”
(Oxford University Press: p.17)
appears to shrink geographical distance and time. In a world of near instantaneous communication, distance and time no longer seem to be major constraints on patterns of human organization and interaction (Held, McGraw, Goldbat and Perraton, 1999). Historically, at the 15th century was the first interaction of Africa to the rest of the world in particular Europe and America. Slavery trade was the first trade that Africa has experienced during the period of colonialism. It was at a time whereby the Europeans colonialism expansion throughout most parts of Africa controlling the continent politically and economically. It was during the era of colonialism, when the colonist countries decided at the conference in Berlin at 1884 to divide Africa among themselves and to become the pioneer controls and official rulers over African countries. Regardless
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