This paper aims to analyze Mr. X’s patient experience and to discover how the behaviors exhibited by his healthcare team effected his quality of care and resulted in a caring environment. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), there are 16 standards of professional nursing practice which demonstrate competent behavior in the clinical setting (2010). This paper focuses on three of these standards of practice—communication, ethics, and health promotion. These standards all contribute to the formation of the therapeutic relationship, which is built on caring, trust, and an absence of judgement. Moreover, this paper uses these three standards to assess the quality of care provided to Mr. X.
Case Presentation
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X, the communication techniques utilized by the healthcare team were strong. Active listening is a communication technique that involves asking open-ended question, maintaining eye contact, sitting with open posture, and acknowledging the speaker’s feelings (Black, 2017). The doctor used active listening throughout his interaction with Mr. X and Mrs. X. He took the time to sit with Mr. X and Mrs. X to explain the procedure and answer questions, demonstrating attentiveness and concern for his patient. The doctor also upheld the ethical principle of veracity, or truth telling, by telling Mrs. X that he would notify her immediately after the procedure was complete and by following through with that promise. Veracity is an important aspect of the patient-provider relationship because it builds trust. If the doctor had not followed through with his promise, Mrs. X could have been upset and lost trust in the doctor. Although Mrs. X was not the patient, her distrust from the doctor’s actions could affect Mr. X’s opinion as well. Furthermore, by keeping this simple promise, the doctor built a greater level of trust with Mr. X and Mrs. X, aiding in the development and maintenance of a therapeutic patient-provider relationship throughout Mr. X’s …show more content…
X was being monitored after his surgery, the nurse checked on him every hour. This attentive behavior, coupled with his positive interaction with his healthcare team prior to the procedure, again reinforced the feeling of a caring environment. In sum, the interaction between the healthcare team and Mr. X demonstrated a high quality of care. The nurse’s and doctor’s communication techniques, use of ethical principles, and attentiveness, enabled them, as providers, to form a strong therapeutic relationship. The healthcare team’s competence not only made Mr. X and Mrs. X feel genuinely cared for, but also made them feel comfortable to reach out if any questions arose following the hospital stay.
American Nurses Association (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: (ISBN: 9781558102880)
Black, B. P. (2017). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (8th ed.). Maryland Heights, Missouri: Elsevier/Saunders. (ISBN: 9780323431125)
Giddens, J. F. (2017). Concepts of nursing practice (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. (ISBN: 9780323374736)
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