while providing easy to understand explanations. The qualifications of a Drug Information Pharmacists are also discussed in this presentation, and how Pharmacists must have graduated Pharmacy School, complete a year of residency, and have great oral and writing skills. Ms. Qorane also discussed the benefits and disadvantages of a Pharmacist in Drug Information Pharmacy. Some advantages discussed was how patient education can be customized for the patient, and how the information given is accurate and backed by science and research. Some disadvantages of Drug Information Pharmacy is how it can be costly compared to free services, and how underutilized the information is since many people will just access free resources. Overall, Ms. Qorane did a great job discussing the topics required in the rubric. Some things that I really liked about this presentation, is how it flowed together nicely.
It was very easy to listen through and the order of slides aligned nicely. Another great job Ms. Qorane did with her presentation, was limiting the amount of words per slide. I was never overwhelmed with the amount of information on the screen. Throughout the presentation I noticed a couple of things that could be worked on for future presentations. First, I would recommend slowing down when reading the information on the slides. I would advise to pause between points being made instead of rolling through them as if reading a paragraph. Another small detail, I noticed a couple of misspelled words throughout the presentation as well, just be sure to double check spelling on slides. Lastly, I know that VoiceThread can be very difficult at times, but I noticed a lot of slides cut out just a few seconds early, just be sure to listen through your slide all the way through after recording to be sure nothing is missed. Other than those small little things, this presentation was done to a very high standard and Ms. Qorane did a great job teaching me about Drug Information