In the 1980s, a commonly known television station called “MTV” was introduced to cable television. MTV, believe it or not, originally started out by playing solely music videos, typically dance oriented. MTV brought filmmaking and music together and created something entirely new, soon allowing artists to have artistic freedom with their music. MTV’s target audience was in the Midwest, which consisted of mostly white teenagers. Artists who depended on their appearance succeeded with MTV because they were able to show their distinctiveness without having to make live appearances. Due to the fact that MTV had a shortage of videos to air, they turned to the UK, prompting what
In the 1980s, a commonly known television station called “MTV” was introduced to cable television. MTV, believe it or not, originally started out by playing solely music videos, typically dance oriented. MTV brought filmmaking and music together and created something entirely new, soon allowing artists to have artistic freedom with their music. MTV’s target audience was in the Midwest, which consisted of mostly white teenagers. Artists who depended on their appearance succeeded with MTV because they were able to show their distinctiveness without having to make live appearances. Due to the fact that MTV had a shortage of videos to air, they turned to the UK, prompting what