I came to this conclusion as I have the most “A” ratings in these two categories. I understand and am aware of the influence cultural backgrounds have on an individual and how this may interfere or create a barrier in the therapeutic session. I believe I am effective when I counsel students who are culturally different from me. I recognize that no student/client is the same and everyone’s culture has an influence on their life’s. I strive to respect and take into consideration a culturally different clients background when counseling in order to help them prosper. I recall a recent circumstance where a culturally different student approached me and I made the student comfortable enough to share their culture and how it is affecting their school life. I noticed that I never judged the students background but rather I was fascinated to learn about the culture and allowed the student open space to speak. I will continue to work on this strength to ensure I do not project my own values, beliefs, or assumptions from my cultural background onto my
I came to this conclusion as I have the most “A” ratings in these two categories. I understand and am aware of the influence cultural backgrounds have on an individual and how this may interfere or create a barrier in the therapeutic session. I believe I am effective when I counsel students who are culturally different from me. I recognize that no student/client is the same and everyone’s culture has an influence on their life’s. I strive to respect and take into consideration a culturally different clients background when counseling in order to help them prosper. I recall a recent circumstance where a culturally different student approached me and I made the student comfortable enough to share their culture and how it is affecting their school life. I noticed that I never judged the students background but rather I was fascinated to learn about the culture and allowed the student open space to speak. I will continue to work on this strength to ensure I do not project my own values, beliefs, or assumptions from my cultural background onto my