Kim Nores
University of Phoenix
Nino Kakulia
As a psychologist it is imperative to be able to understand different cultures. We should be aware of our own biases, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs that we hold about culturally different groups. We should also be knowledgeable about the values, practices and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from ourselves. We should also be aware of our strengths and weakness in interacting with other cultures and how we can go about addressing those shortcomings.
According to guidelines #1 and #2 in the American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for multicultural education, training, research, practice and organizational change for psychologists (2003) psychologists should be aware that they hold differing attitudes and beliefs that can detrimentally influence individuals of different cultures and also that it is important to be culturally sensitive and understanding of individuals of different cultures and to be knowledgeable of those cultures.
Biases, Perceptions, Attitudes, and Beliefs that I Might Hold about Culturally Different Groups While I acknowledge that I am a cultural being, and that I was raised in a specific culture and by parents who had very specific biases and attitudes about different cultural groups, I do not feel that I have any biases or attitudes against culturally different groups. I do have perceptions about culturally different groups as well beliefs. To me bias and attitude hold negative connotations and imply that the individuals who hold bias and attitudes are governed by them. I do not believe this to be the case with myself. While I do hold perceptions and beliefs about culturally different groups, these do not hold a negative connotation to me. By holding these perceptions and beliefs I am acknowledging that these groups are in fact different and that that is perfectly acceptable.
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References: American Psychological Association. (2003, May). Guidelines on multicultural education, training, research, practice, and organizational change for psychologists. American Psychologist, 58(5), 377.