Department of Psychology
Psychology 101 AB8 (2014-3)
Introduction to Psychology I
Instructor: Wayne Podrouzek (Ph.D.)
Office Hours: Tuesday 1730 – 1850 (D117), or by appointment
Contact: On Campus Phone 604-504-7441 Local 4608 (I am almost never there and don`t check voice mail)
Preferred: e-mail at (Please put class and topic in subject header)
Welcome to Psychology 101. These pages constitute the course syllabus and provide information you will need for the course. Psychology 101 is a prerequisite 200 and 300 level courses at UFV. It is intended to provide students with general knowledge about basic areas of Psychology. In this course I intend to cover: history and perspectives, methodology and data analysis, biological bases of behaviour, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, memory, and, if there is time, language and thought.
Text: Passer, M. W., Smith, R. E., Atkinson, M. L., Mitchell, J. B., & Muir, D. W. (2011). Psychology: Frontiers and applications (4th Canadian ed Special Pub.). TO: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
You need to go to this site and enter your Connect access code to get into the online environment. This is packaged with all new texts. You can purchase the Connect with e-book through the bookstore or on-line during the registration process.
I have attached a schedule of the topics to be covered for each class session and the accompanying text readings. Consider the schedule flexible, we may not cover everything exactly on the date specified. DO try to read ahead so that you are prepared for the material to be covered. I will not simply lecture from the text, but will almost always add important details. Since some of the material I cover is not in the text, class attendance is strongly advised.
Examinations and Assignments: You are expected to attend examinations on