Many individuals come from different cultures where their beliefs, traditions and ways of living are different. With much cultural diversity in the world, it creates multiculturalism where it allows us to gain knowledge about different cultures but also, allow us to respect each culture and their differences. Children are also exposed to these cultural diversities as literature focuses on different cultures, allowing children to understand and to respect that every individual is unique. (Johannesburg. (2002) Cultural diversity is our collective strength. Retrieved from URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html) acknowledges that “our rich diversity, which is our collective strength, should be used to ensure sustainable development (par. 16). Cultural diversity indeed is not just a natural fact that we need to simply recognise and respect. It is about plurality of knowledge, wisdom and energy which all contribute to improving and moving the world forward.”
Possum Magic by Mem Fox explores the Australian culture where it depicts the different style of food that Australians eat, also acknowledging the native animals of Australia. With Mem Fox’s loveable characters - little Hush and Grandma Poss, along with Julie Vivas’ exquisite illustrations it incorporates a story of pure magic. For 21 years, Possum Magic has captivated and enchanted children and even adults. Not only it teaches children about the Australian culture but it also impacts children’s view on culture. Saxby states that “not only do Australian books help provide Australian readers with a sense of identity, both confirming their own experience and giving them a wider understanding of their own country, but they are ambassadors to other countries and cultures.” (1997, p.90) Children who are from different cultural diversities learn about the different types of food that