According to Egyptian belief the soul did not die. The soul would take the form of a bird, usually a falcon and fly around in the world of the living returning later its dead body. The importance of preserving the body revolved around the idea that the roaming soul would be able to recognize the right body and return to it. As a result of this, Egyptians developed an effective system …show more content…
They are called anthropogenic or spontaneous. Anthropogenic mummies is the most common form of mummification. This happens when people make a mummy on purpose. One example is any time that a person died in egypt, they’d get mummified by their family or a priest. The spontaneous mummies are when bodies are mummified without any human help. One good example is the Tollund Man who was buried in a bog in Europe. The natural acid of the bog with other natural chemicals caused the body to become mummified. Typically people put in anything special to the person who died. They put in food, jewelry, and even pets. If pets outlived their owners, then they were buried in the courtyards of their owners tombs. The pets were considered good luck charms in the afterlife. They also placed any everyday items they thought they could use in the afterlife. They put dishes, makeup, and furniture. They did this because they believed life after death was similar to life on earth. Sometimes Pharaohs would start filling up their tombs before they died so they could have everything they wanted in the …show more content…
Ancient Egyptian’s mummification was a very special process based on their spiritual belief system for the human body to be preserved to continue on in an afterlife. Egyptians believed that once someone dies, their soul crosses over to the afterlife. Their beliefs were very strong because they were willing to take many days to preserve the body, they would build pyramids for only high class people, and even hold religious ceremonies for the dead person. The Ancient Egyptians just wanted for the body’s soul to go to the afterlife safely.
Works Cited
"15 Myths & Facts About Ancient Egypt." Planet Dolan | Obscure Facts About Life. 31 Jan. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.
"Ancient Egypt." Ancient Egyptian History for Kids: Mummies. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.
"Ancient Egypt Mummies and the Afterlife for Kids." Ancient Egypt Mummies and the Afterlife for Kids. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.
"Egyptian Mummies." Egyptian Mummies. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.
"Mummification - A Thorough Explanation." Token Rock. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.
"Mummification Around the World." Mummification Around the World. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.
"What Did the People Put in the Mummies' Tombs in Ancient Egypt?" Synonym. Web. 02 Feb.