The Musculoskeletal System combines the skeletal system and the muscular system. All of the bones, cartilage, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments in a person's body compose what is known as the musculoskeletal system. The bones provide the body with a framework, giving it shape and support; they also serve as protection for internal organs such as the lungs and liver. Muscles are fibres that help to make deliberate movement of a body part or involuntary movement within an internal organ possible. Some people view the musculoskeletal system as two body systems in one or two systems that work very closely together, with one being the muscular system and the other being the skeletal system. The bones of the musculoskeletal …show more content…
system are categorized according to their appearance or shape. Short, long, flat and irregular. For example, the humorous, or bone of the upper arm, and the femur, or thigh bone, are long. The vertebrae, which protect the spinal cord, are irregularly shaped.
Before taking part in an exercise, we all know that we should warm the body up in order to prepare for the different types of movement needed in the activities we take part in.
The process of warming up helps the musculoskeletal system to get ready for exercise and makes you less likely to get injured. When your muscles are warmed up they act like a piece of blue tac or elastic, they will start to stretch and become more flexible, but when they are cold (not warmed up) they are more likely to just snap, this is the same with blue tac or elastic. The process of mobilisation is used to increase joint mobility. This lubricates joints by releasing synovial fluid onto them and by doing this it will also help to warm them up. This means that joints will have their full range of movements but will start off small and get larger. When taking part in resistance exercises such as lifting weights, the process can be designed to actually break muscle fibres. This is because you have to break them so they will grow back bigger and …show more content…
Acute response of the energy systems to exercise
ATP is the only form of energy that the body can use. In the muscles ATP will provide the energy to enable the muscle fibres to shorten and develop the tension. As long as there is a supply of this, the muscles will be able to contract. When ATP has been broken down we are left with a second compound called adenosine di phosphate (ADP). ATP is not stored in large amounts in skeletal muscle and therefore has to be made from ADP continually for our muscles to continue contracting.
Anaerobic energy systems
Anaerobic energy systems do not require oxygen. Both the phosphocreatine and lactic acid energy systems are anaerobic. Creatine phosphate system
If energy is needed for an activity of high intensity and low duration, such as 100m sprinting or jumping for a header in football, it will be needed very quicky to produce the muscular contraction. The cells contain a small amount of ATP (3 seconds worth) and a small amount of a second high-energy compound called creatine phosphate (CP). There is enough CP to provide a further 5 to 7 seconds’ worth of energy. The CP will be broken down to provide the energy to resynthesize the ATP. This system will last until the stored CP has run out. Along with breaking down the stores of ATP in the muscles this system will last for around 8 to 10 seconds and is used for high-intensity activities.
Lactic Acid system
When stores of ATP and PC have run out, the body has a second way of providing energy quickly. This is used when the activity is intense and last for around 1 to 3 minutes. This system relies upon the breakdown of glucose that has been stored in the muscles, this I called glycogen. The energy for muscular contraction is still needed rapidly and the body will not have time to deliver the oxygen to the working muscles. Therefore, the glucose has to be broken down without oxygen. This is called anaerobic and it’s referred to anaerobic glycolysis. As the glucose is broken down into the muscles to provide the energy to resynthesize ATP, a by-product produced is lactic acid and it makes the participant cramp up. This makes you feel a burning sensation in the muscles and limits the performance. In reality the glucose is first broken down into pyruvic acid and then into lactic acid.
Aerobic System
This system differs from the other two because it requires oxygen to break down glucose or fat and produce energy for the resynthesis of ATP. It will be used when the intensity of an activity is lower and the duration is longer. It tends to be used during rhythmical, repetitive activities such as long distance running, cycling or swimming. The aerobic system will produce carbon dioxide, water and heat as well as waste products of the aerobic breakdown of glucose and fats. Carbon dioxide is breathed out with some of the water, which can also be lost as sweat when the heat is dissipated form the body. The aerobic system can produce energy buy breaking down glucose form carbohydrates or fat. Fat is a much richer store of energy of ATP resynthesis, but only can be used for low intensity exercises because it’s a long process. At the higher intensity’s glucose is used to provide the energy. The fuel can also depend on the fitness of the person playing the sport because fitter people become more effective at burning fats. The result of this is that their glycogen stores will go further and last longer. For example, Bradley Wiggins can cycle a race without feeling a loss of performance toward the end. The aerobic system provides the most plentiful supply of oxygen in that if one molecule of oxygen is broken down aerobically it will provide 38 ATP; while one molecule of fat will provide 128 ATP.
The energy continuum
The energy systems all work together to produce energy; what we are doing determines which energy system supplies the majority of the ATP. The energy continuum highlights which energy systems are producing the most amount of energy at different stages of activity. At rest, nearly all of our energy is provided by the aerobic energy system; then, if we suddenly start to exercise we will need more ATP than the aerobic energy system can supply. Then the phosphocreatine system and lactic acid system can kick in and supply the ATP. For example, in football if you are jogging slowly, the aerobic system is used. For a short sprint in football the phosphate creatine system is used and then sprinting back to your own box the lactic acid energy system is used.
Energy requirements of physical activity
In order to take part in sports, our body uses the food we have eaten, converted by the energy systems to produce energy. Different sports have different energy requirements. These are some of them…
Type of exercise | Kilocalories used per hour | Bicycling | 450 | Hiking | 500 | Jogging | 500 | Rowing | 550 | Skipping with a rope | 720 | Squash | 650 | Walking | 280 |
Acute response of the cardiovascular system to exercise
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and the blood vessels, through which the heart pumps blood around the body.
During exercise, a number of changes take place to the cardiovascular system to ensure that the muscles receive the required amounts of oxygen. If you take part in one exercise session, for example, a game of basketball, the cardiovascular will responds in a variety of ways. Increase heart rate, increased blood pressure and redirection of blood flow.
Short term effects of exercise on the respiratory system
During exercise the muscle cells use up more oxygen and produce increased amounts of carbon dioxide. Your lungs and heart have to work harder to supply the extra oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide. Your breathing rate increases and you breathe more deeply. Heart rate also increases in order to transport the oxygenated blood to the muscles.
Muscle cell respiration increases - more oxygen is used up and levels of carbon dioxide rise. The brain detects increasing levels of carbon dioxide - a signal is sent to the lungs to increase breathing. Breathing rate and the volume of air in each breath increase - This means that more gaseous exchange takes place. The brain also tells the heart to beat faster so that more blood is pumped to the lungs for gaseous exchange. More oxygenated blood is gets to the muscles and more carbon dioxide is