Music and Lack of Parental involvement equates to Violence in High Schools Violence does not happen once, and then it is over. Violence is a chronic, long-lasting, and reoccurring disease (Bode). Violence in today’s youth primarily impacts schools. This is a common issue in many high schools, most of the problematic students lack motivation. Students in schools where violence occurs do not consider meeting rigorous standards, performing at high academic levels, or even staying in school.
Being violent can equate to acting improper, unjust, or illegal. Violence is a feeling of being destructive, intense, or even executing a physical force intended to injure or abuse. (Gove 2554)
So why does violence exist in the youth, at schools especially? Crime ridden areas are not only inducing the possibility of youth becoming the “product of their environment,” but it is also giving encouraging behaviors, and those are unacceptable. Factors contributing to youth violence are simple. It is mostly community related, involving gang affiliation or lack of attention from a parent at home. When a teen is given too much freedom, or are too strictly monitored by parents, he or she is more likely to rebel. Most teens are prone to mimic, or copy actions that have been done by another person. If that teen has a weak mind, and does not make rational decisions, he or she will result to violence. Sometimes the interpretation of the action can be worse than the actual incident. Some teens think that showing power will gain respect from others. It is very common for teens to react before they investigate a problem. Most teens seek attention, and if his or her peers react easily from a violent act, the teen will continue to engage in violent activities to keep the eye on them. An act of violence, according to this definition, includes punching, hitting, or biting; common defense tactics used by the youth (“Youth Violence: Definitions”). Fighting, gun possession, and
Cited: Berger, Gilda. Violence and Drugs. New York: Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data, 1989 Bode, Janet Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1996 Carlson, Darren K "Media Violence & Children at Home." ACT Against Violence: Media Violence & Children. 2005. ACT Against Violence, Web. 13 Feb 2010. Meier, Tina. "The Story." The Megan Meier Foundation: Preventing Bulling and Cyber Bulling. 2009. Tina Meier, Web. 13 Feb 2010. “Music.” Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010. Merriam-Webster Online. 28 Mar 2010. Orr, Tamra. Violence in Our Schools: Halls of Hope, Halls of Fear. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2003. Reichel, Phillip. Selected Readings in Criminal Justice. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1998 Satcher, David. “Youth Violence: A Report from the Surgeon General.” May 3, 2007 66, issue 3, p.367 NC Wise Owl Waddell High School February 21, 2007