Music class
Study guide
Study guide 1
1. Sound- begins with the vibration of an object, such as a table that is pounded or a string that is plucked or bowed.
2. Music- is part of this world of sound, an art based on the organization of sounds in time.
3. Pitch- is the relative highness or lowness that we hear in a sound.
4. Interval- "Distance" in pitch between any two tones.
5. How are vibration and pitch related? - The faster the vibrations, the higher the pitch; the slower the vibrations, the lower the pitch. Vibration frequency is measured in cycles per second. On a piano the highest-frequency tone is 4,186 cycles per second, and the lowest is about 27 cycles per second.
6. Tone, chord- tone: Sound that has a definite pitch, or frequency. Chord: Combination of three or more tones sounded at once.
7. Interval- "Distance" in pitch between any two tones.-
8. Octave- Interval between two tones in which the higher tone has twice the frequency of the lower tone.
9. Pitch range- Distance between the highest and lowest tones that a given voice or instrument can produce.
10. Dynamics- Degrees of loudness or softness in music.
11. Some Italian words indicating dynamics—i.e. piano (p) =soft; forte (f) = loud; fortissimo (ff) =very loud know these- dynamic terms
12. Define Timbre , and what do composers use to change it?- to see tone color, Tone color is described by words like bright, dark, brilliant, mellow, and rich.
13. What is a listening outline, and how is it used?-each item describes some musical sound. It may point out the dynamic of the interments
14. What are the two forms of performing media?-voices and interments
15. Name the categories of musical instruments and give some examples in each—i.e. woodwinds (flute) ... give names of other categories and examples of instruments. - string (guitar and violin) woodwind (flute, clarinet) Brass (trumpet and