:: 8 Works Cited 1042 words
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The Power of Music - ... It is present in almost every part of our everyday lives. Imagine watching a movie that does not contain any music whatsoever. Some movies are dependent on scenes that convey a sense of emotion in which the audience has a connection to the characters in the movie. Whenever a significant scene in a movie occurs there will be background music to further acclimate the mood whether it is an emotional moment or an action sequence. Suspense scenes also have some sort of sound that builds anxiety inside of the viewer.... [tags: Music]
:: 10 Works Cited 997 words
(2.8 pages) $19.95 [preview]
Music and Christians - ... Another source looks at whether God can use rock music for His glory or not. The article says that question shouldn’t be, “Can God use Christian rock music for His glory?” but it should be, “Will He use Christian rock music for His glory.” (Bealer helium.com) The author Paula Bealer follows that with a question of her own, “Why wouldn’t he?” She also goes on to state: This scripture [Psalms 150:3-6] is only one of many scriptures that tell us to use music as a way to praise and glorify the Lord.... [tags: Music ]
:: 6 Works Cited 1349 words
(3.9 pages) $19.95 [preview]
What Is Music? - What Is Music. According to the dictionary music is having rhythm, melody, or harmony. But it's really underestimated, more so than anyone actually realizes. Music