Publication by
FORUM – Institute for Multicultural Affairs
Postbus 201, 3500 AE Utrecht, Netherlands www.forum.nl www.foruminternational.org
© 2010 FORUM, Institute for Multicultural Affairs
For some years, the position of Muslims in the Netherlands has been subject of fierce debate in the
Netherlands. The nature and size of this debate also finds a response across the border, something on which the media report frequently. Much can be said about the characteristics of this debate, its causes and the actual and perceived problems underlying it. In any case, we note that the debate concerning
Muslims is often based on perceptions which have little or no connection with reality, that is to say, with the actual lives and social situations of Muslims in the Netherlands. In our view, public debate is of crucial importance in a democratic state based on the rule of law. But to ensure that such debate remains constructive, it is important that the facts be given a fair chance.
The first fact book on the position of Muslims in the Netherlands was published in 2008. New information and research published in the meantime justify an update. This publication not only includes more recent figures on a number of topics, it also adds several new topics and provides a classification according to themes, which should make it easier to find the information.
The aim of this fact book is to present information on Muslims in the Netherlands. With the exception of several (also recent) publications, no research is being conducted into Muslims in the Netherlands.
However information is gathered and published regularly about ethnic groups, in particular the four largest of these, which include Turks and Moroccans. Because the great majority of Turks and
Moroccans adheres to the Islamic faith (87% and 92% respectively), the information in this fact book
Links: 11 FORUM, 2010. 12 FORUM, 2006 13 According to an opinion poll (TNS/NIPO) published in February 2010, the turnout of native Dutch voters at the 2010 municipal elections will also be lower than in 2006. Figure 17.1: Crime suspects among 18-25 year olds and over 25s, by ethnic origin, 2006 (in percent) 12