“With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our…
Throughout history wars have been fought mercilessly and without remorse especially in guerilla warfare. In A Long Way Gone, author Ishmael beah, explains in vivid detail his experience during the war and the horrors it came with. Throughout his journey he tends to see the environment around him fall apart. While it may seem hellish and unforgiving nature itself tries to run from the war. Nature itself does not consider war to be natural since it is driven by murder rather than…
Although the men keep alive old traditions in a new era, this quote symbolizes how the majority of things have changed in this world. This excerpt situates the dwarves in the present time frame where power has shifted to evil forces, how the dwarves lost control of their mountain city, and also how old legendary maps don’t so well in a new environment. The men never really experienced what it was like to live in a time where everyone and everything blended harmoniously.…
In even simpler terms, ‘’ The world as it exists today is only a product of its past,’’ means that we are who we are today because of specific, choices, actions, mistakes, and consequences, that took place in the past. No one knows what is going to happen until it does, and then only the consequences for that specific action follow. We can assume what could have happened, but no one knows for sure what the world would be like if things had gone differently. People's choices, along with mistakes, affect us greatly,and this is where this lesson comes into play in A Little History Of The World. The chain reaction of one event, can sculpt so many more, in the end creating a unique masterpiece that is our world today. For example, if Charles Martel and the Franks had lost their battles against the Arabs in 732, so many more people…
This quotation is saying that managing time wisely is very important for your future. If you do things now with correct time, you will be better off in the future.…
Without having a reference or a past with which to compare standards, for all they know, they are getting more rations. This quote emphasizes how one understands of the past affects one's attitude about the present…
The short story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst and “The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe are two works of literature that support this quote. In both of these works, it is evident that the two main characters from both stories both have very tragic flaws. These make the story more interesting to read because after reading it reveals the true nature of mankind.…
This quote represents the generational gap as it dwindles into nothingness. Age has become such an important factor for anyone in this era. Few realize, though, that every generation is nearly the same. The only difference between any two generations is technology. All generations are plagued by the same problems and all hope that their children won’t face the same hardships. That is a case, which will never happen.…
This quote knows a lot of variations, for example: “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it” or “Learn from history or you're doomed to repeat it”. Another famous quote with a similar message is the quote of Marcus Tullius Cicerio which is: “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” or, in short,: “To be ignorant of the past is to remain a child”. The meaning of these quotes is that if you don't know the past, you won't be able to learn from it, which will make you repeat your old mistakes over and…
"We (the human race) are now in possession of a great deal of hard information about ourselves, but we do not use it to improve our institutions and therefore our lives."…
It is said that a great leader must always lead by example. This is not always true, a leader must sometimes partake in some negative activities in order to protect the interests of the populous. An excellent example of this is Mustapha Mond. When one first meets Mustapha Mond, it is obvious that he is distinctly different from the other alpha plusses; Mond is unique, wise, and authoritative.…
There are many other examples that can be given for this aphorism. Another example is that history books are never 100% true of fact. One will never know how an ancient king was really like. The king's followers wrote books and journals about him,…
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught."…
“It’s undoubtedly the case that if you have nothing behind you or if you’ve seen hard times it develops in some people anyway, an insecurity and the basic motivation to put the past behind you.”…
The process of acculturation with the advent of Islam in India inspired thinkers, saints and poets. Even though, the saints-poets belonged to different regions, their ideas were remarkably similar. One such example of two poets who not only belonged to different regions but lived a century apart is Lal Ded and Kabir Das. Nonetheless, they shared the same ideas and beliefs. This is due to the harmony that prevailed in the society and the political and religious conditions of the times.…