I briskly ate my breakfast, then left for school. As I stroll to 7th period my classmates stared“she was just in 2nd period looking at the wall like a weirdo”, “ Her breath probody stink that's why she not saying anything” two girls conversed about me. I just turned my head and started to English 3. “ Umm Miss. Mosley to my office” the principal called for me, I curiously followed her to her office and sat in front of her junkie yet organized desk.” Me and some of your other teachers have been worried about you” she voiced sounding concern. I avoided making eye contact with her, just reminiscing on my sister's final request.”Myasia listen you don't have to talk to me but talk to someone” she suggested. I gave her one last one smile and walked out her …show more content…
Dear Asia,
If you're reading this I'm no longer with you, and I'm sorry MyAsia I didn't want to leave you and I don't want you to cry I don't want you upset I want you to know that I'm in a better place and that I love you and I'm not gone imma always be here for you, you can talk to me anytime you want or need to. But be strong for Mom. Tell Mommy I want to be cremated I don't want you to see me like this I don't want y’all to be upset, live and be happy for me because I'm in a better place. I love you Myasia and kiss and hug Mom for me.
P.S Never talk about that time I pooped on myself two steps away from the toilet, because my zipper got stuck. (: I LOVE YOU
“I Love you Taj” I said, laughing at the P.S. “My baby is talking”. My ma said relieved with a