April 28, 2015
Dr. Harry Watkins
Case Study: Manila Water Company
1. According to the film “Blue Gold”, what has ben the reception by the poor in 3rd world countries of large water conglomerates who have privatized their water resources? Why? How has Manila Water sought to avoid similar attitudes among its customers?
Water. It’s the world’s single most important resource and without it life isn’t possible- it has the power to determine our future and its becoming scare. In South Asian countries we find that they deal with immense conflict over sharing river water supplies in both downstream and upstream regions. After watching the film “Blue Gold”, it has come to my realization there is an increasingly political issue and tension regarding the control of water supplies. In India and China water shortages pose a social and economic threat throughout areas such as India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The issue we find here is about distribution; there are regions where water is abundant, but others are unfortunately going dry and are in dire need of clean water. In addition to this problem there is an enormous amount of pollution being dumped in freshwater supply. “Blue Gold” presented controversy over infrastructure of dams and canals meant for good by providing hydropower ad irrigation, but only causes the rivers to dry. The Ganges River had been in a long dispute by India and Bangladesh because together they share a common river system. Furthermore, water projects have also caused problems by displacing people in these regions and have contributed to the destruction of the ecosystem. In short, the unfortunately poor region is not in favor of privatization because it doesn’t benefit them. Privatization helps higher classes in society, those who can afford water, but makes it harder on the low class.
Manila Water has a continued commitment to sustainable development. Their overall development strategy contributes to the local and national