
My Five Strengths From The Gallup Test

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My Five Strengths From The Gallup Test
My five strengths from the Gallup test are relator, positivity, empathy, ideation, and futuristic. Going into this test I was honestly very skeptical. When I received my results though, I was more than impressed. For the most part everything was spot on. So much that it was a little scary. Obviously humans are very complicated creatures, and a computer test can't completely encapsulate someone's personality, but whoever made this test did their research.
One of the things I noticed the most in my test report was my personality tends to lean towards positive and optimistic way of life. This I could not agree with more. I do not tend to get stressed very easily in life. I am very go with the flow, and don't worry kind of person. Always looking for the upside in situations. Another common trait I observed, and agreed with, is that I am a people person. I find it easy to relate to people's situations and how they feel. Not only noticing if someone's down, but empathizing with them. Also that I enjoy making people happy and putting a smile on their face.
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The test said I am a futuristic thinker, who has many big ideas. I found this interesting, but not untrue. I think I do tend to have really big ideas when it comes to something like a school project per say. I have a lot of grand ideas, but sometimes have trouble reining them into a solid plan. Ideation was another result I found to describe me well. Meaning, I like to think of ways to do things that are not traditional. Come up with new answers to problems even though they might not be conventional. I think that is where my love for music and film comes from. Music and film are formed by creativity and not step by step instructions. In a way there are no right answers, art is all about how one interprets it, and that is what I

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