He should have mental toughness and a retentive or tenacious memory. Agood memory to enable them to recall people’s names, and the few essential facts that are pertinent to a wide range of problems. When he has a good memory he is able to act with spontaneity without having to refer to any records. No one can lead without being criticized or without facing discouragement. A potential leader needs a mental toughness and be resolute to go ahead with his vision. Everyone wants a tough-minded leader who sees things as they are and will pay the price. A leader needs to be practical, positive, upbeat. He should be a realist and have a proactive vision. He should get down to business with realistic goals. The effective leader must also be able to diagnose a situation and develop strategies for the improvement. In order to do this well, he must have the ability to perceive and apply a multitude of different “frames”. He should be practical enough to know when not to lead. He needn’t demonstrate his leadership by making all the decisions and charting every course. But handling the reins temporarily if the situation calls for it and giving them an opportunity to contribute their leadership to his would be what I would call a smart …show more content…
At times I have accepted an opponents point of view if he was able to justify himself, because I feel common sense is very essential for a leader, who can be stubborn and at the same be able to listen to the opponents points and be down-to-earth and accept his points sensibly. Another important trait that people have noticed in me is that I am realistic enough to put the organization I am involved with (be it school, college or my father’s business) as imperative as my own personality. I think that sense of association is very important for a leader. Summarizing the thoughts of people I interviewed: My Aspirations: Conclusion: My leadership philosophy in short is “Leadership is about being versatile and pragmatic. He/she has to have a proactive vision and yet be risk taker. A Leader should be an epitome of trustworthiness. He should be pioneering and charismatic enough to lead.” The best of all leaders is the one who helps people so that, eventually, they don't need him. Then comes the one they love and admire. Then comes the one they fear. The worst is the one who lets people push him around. Where there is no trust, people will act in bad faith. The best leader doesn't say much, but what he says