The whisley on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy. (Roethke 1-4) This child disregards the smell of whiskey and chases behind clinging …show more content…
This element is used to demonstrate how even upmost betrayal from a child’s very own parent does not deter a child’s love. Throughout the poem the father is known to be drunkenly waltzing around the house with no interference from the wife, the only acknowledgment is gotten when the pans are rattled from the shelves. The child states, “The hand that held my wrist/ Was battered on one knuckle…” (Roethke 9-10). Here it is realized that the silence of the mother is due to avoiding getting hit by her husband. Yet the hands used to batter the wife are used to lead the innocent child, symbolizing how the child waltzes with the dad with no fear of the father’s capabilities. Roethke uses symbolism to show that even though the father is abusive the child is mindlessly content following in those staggered