Before I state my philosophy of service I would briefly like to define what I believe is the meaning of philosophy of service. Firstly, I will begin by examining what is the meaning of philosophy. Philosophy is a theory or an approach that is used as a guiding principle for a person’s behaviour. Secondly, service is best described as an intangible act that is performed. My philosophy of service is found within my belief that to be of good service you have to have a good relationship with the Lord. This means that you would follow his laws (commandments) and you carry about yourself in such a way that others would see and follow your good merits. I believe most people today don’t have a good relationship with God and that’s why the place is in so much chaos. I was inspired to use this philosophy by my grandmother. She always spoke to me about getting to know the lord better and how he would reward me miraculously. When I was younger I never really listened to her sayings but now after seeing some events unfold exactly the way she told me they would, I decided to take life more seriously and began to know the lord on a personal basis. Since I started this journey, I’ve seen God do many good things for me and this helped me to go on despite some rough times that I encountered.
In addition, this philosophy has changed my life so much. I now learn to treat others with more respect. I believe that everyone has a purpose on this earth and they should try to fulfill it. One last major thing that I’ve learned is that words can be very powerful, so choose your words right. In other words think before you speak. I would encourage everyone to try and develop a philosophy to live by as soon as possible because I can testify it helps you know where you want to go/ where you are headed.