The movie “My Sister’s Keeper” revolves around Kate and her immediate family. Kate is critically ill with Leukemia. The other main character is Anna, Kate’s younger sister, who in the movie battles with her parents for medical emancipation. In the movie, it touches on all her family members personal struggles with Kate’s illness, and the effects it has on their family. This movie shows some medical aspects for Kate as she battles her cancer, and Anna who is Kate’s donor. The title of the movie of the movie has a duel meaning for me, because the sisters look after each other thru out the movie, so one may never know which sister is her sisters keeper. The movie begins in Montana, which is where Kate had always wanted to go, but never had the chance. The family gets together there yearly to celebrate Kate’s life. There is a scene in the movie between Kate and Anna, with Kate explaining why she would like to go there. Anna narrated opening of the movie, explaining how and why she was brought into the world. Anna was born out of necessity. She was genetically engineered to be identical to Kate. Anna is a “designer baby”, born specifically to be able to donate for Kate. Anna was forced from the age of five to donate to Kate. Anna gave bone marrow several times, was catheterized, and had several other medical procedures that would be painful to an adult, much less a small child. Kate’s cancer progresses rapidly in the movie, and it effects her renal function. She is put on dialysis which caused her an infection that spread thru her body. Leaving a kidney transplant, the last option to prolong Kate’s life. Kate’s doctors tell Kate’s mother that they think that it is time for her to let go, but she pushes for Anna to donate her kidney. In turn, the kidney donation would steal away the rest of Anna’s childhood. “My Sisters Keeper” portrays Kate’s battle with from diagnosis to the time of her death. It realistically portrays her
Cited: My Sister’s Keeper-Rotten Tomato. Flixter, n.d. Web. 4 May 2011. “My Sister’s Keeper.” The Internet Movie Database. TIMB, 26 Jun 2009. Web. 7 May 2011. Ebert, R. “My Sister’s Keeper.” N.p., 24 Jun 2009. Web. 10 May 2011.