The movie Unbroken revolves around the life of US Olympian and athlete Louis "Louie" Zamperini. The film opens showing Louie flying as a bomb aimer of a United States Army Air Forces B-24 Liberator bomber, during an April 1943 bombing mission against the Japanese-held island of Nauru. The plane he is abroad becomes seriously damaged resulting in many of the crew members becoming fatally injured. The hydraulics of the plane are shot and damaged, but the pilot, Phil, manages to salvage the plane at the end of the runway due to a flat tire.…
The movie I am reviewing is 13 sins. 13 sins is a horror movie and was released on April 14th 2014 in the USA. I was directed by Daniel Stamm, Mark Webber ( as the main character), Devon Graye, Tom Bower, Rutina Wesley, Ron Perlman and more. There are no big A-list actor/actresses. It is placed in present time, and placed in a city.…
In the movie Unbroken directed by Angelina Jolie, there are many obvious differences from the actual factual events that took place. A lot of important details about Louis Zamperini’s life were left out in the movie. There are many reasons for this, which are arguably very important. The three biggest things that were left out of the movie are, the realization that Louis came to about his faith in God, Japanese guards actually treated Louis very well when he first was captured, and Louis actually came face to face with Adolf Hitler. All three of these things were left out of the movie for specific reasons, which Hollywood thought would boost ratings and amount of viewers.…
“Stella Dallas” is a movie three act structure movies from 1937. The main character Stella Dallas got a baby, Laurel, with her newly married husband Stephen Dallas. Because of her uneducated lifestyle and stubborn personality, her marriage with Stephen was getting broken. Her daughter Laurel became all of her life. Stella tried to give her everything. After several awkward things happened in the trip Stella and Laurel had together, Stella realized that Stephen and his new family would provide better life to Laurel. In the end she lied to Laurel and made her move to Stephen.…
The documentary 13th, was an eye opening experience. It was a film in which it displayed issues of violence, crime, and race. In particular, I found it very interesting how the documentary stigmatized black men as violent individuals. How did they come up with this stigmatization? Was it based off of past historical events such as slavery and segregation? Anyone can be considered violent. Someone's race doesn’t define whether or not they are violent; it is an individual’s actions that determines whether they are considered a violent individual or not. Also, I found it very interesting how the amount of arrests increased each year due to the drug war. I didn’t realize that drugs were a huge issue in our country. I thought the biggest issue…
In the movie, My Sister’s Keeper Conceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald was brought into the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate, who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia. Because of her sister's dependency on her, Anna is unable to live the life she wants; in and out of the hospital constantly, she cannot take part in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading or soccer. When Kate turns 13 she goes into renal failure. Knowing that she will have to donate one of her kidneys to her sister. The film is interlaced with flashbacks that detail the strong relationship between Kate and Anna, as well as how Kate's illness has affected her siblings' lives. Before the result of the case is known, it is revealed that Kate had asked Anna to file for medical emancipation. Believing that she would not survive the surgery, Kate wants to die. Anna throughout the film has to face the changes that maturity brings by suing her parents so that she can fulfill her sisters needs. In John Knowles’s novel A Separate Peace, the prep school classmates Gene, Finny and Leper experience the loss of innocence through the harsh realties of leaving their childhood behind them and accepting the changes that maturity brings. When Finny breaks his leg, Gene experiences a change within himself. “I found it. I found a single sustaining thought. The thought was you and Phineas are even already. You are even in enmity. You are both coldly driving ahead for yourselves alone . . .. I felt better. Yes, I sensed it like the sweat of relief when nausea passes away; I felt better. We were even after all, even in enmity. The deadly rivalry was on both sides after all.”(53) Gene slowly becomes conscious of the tremendous resentment and envy that he feels toward Finny, who is a far superior athlete, a much stronger personality, and has the ability to talk his way out of any trouble. We witness Gene develop a strategy for coping with this…
There are many differences in the film Coraline and the book The Thief of Always in character traits, settings, and events. First of all, Coraline is very adventurous while on the other hand, Harvey is sometimes very lazy. For instance, Coraline made the choice to go into to the locked door without any persuasion which means she is more adventurous, Harvey on the other hand only went because of the persuasion of Rictus. Next, when you arrive to the other world in Coraline you can see that it is creepier than the Holiday House. For example, when Coraline arrived she was VERY suspicious of the house, Harvey on the other hand, when he arrived he just thought it was a normal house. Lastly, when Coraline goes to sleep every night she wakes up back…
A few years ago I went to see the movie “Unbroken” with my family. It is the story of a man that was a prisoner of war in World War II. On the way home from seeing the movie I complained about how some of the disturbing imagery had made me uncomfortable and how I didn’t think I could stomach watching the movie a second time. My father’s reply to my complaints was “It is your discomfort with the movie that is the reason you should watch it everyday.” That statement has been one that has stuck with me. That movie, like these photos, brought “home to us the terrible reality and earnestness of war” as the New York Times put it. I will admit that these photos make me uncomfortable, but that’s the point. War is the complete opposite of comfortable.…
She also has an outspoken older sister, played by Bonnie Hunt with her usual exuberance and ironic cheer (she's almost always a delight to watch). The sisters live together in a house where the living room seems to be semi permanently filled by a kvetching self-help group for divorced women, who spend all…
Loyalty to the extent of sacrificing yourself to save someone you believe is worth saving is a truly noble cause, and one readers think about in the novel, My Sister’s Keeper. Within this novel, relationships, specifically familial ones, are tested to the limit, and in the end, Kate decides to sacrifice her life to allow her sister to live the rest of hers in happiness in exchange for her cancer ridden one. This is ruined when Anna is killed in a car accident and Kate ends up receiving the kidney she convinced Anna not to give. As it’s what she would have wanted, Kate successfully receives the transplant, but this makes audience members consider the loss everyone suffers in this book, and Kate’s attempt to save her beloved sister which is the last thing she ever did for her. It portrays the true extent of loyalty. (FIND EXAMPLES – EXPLAIN). The theme loss for love is also evident within the film Life is Beautiful. This entire story is based in World War II and the lengths one particular father goes to in order to spare his sons innocence and happy childhood. His success comes at a cost however. This cost is his life. In one of the last scenes he is seen taken down an alley and shot, but before as he walks, he pretends to be playing a game to spare his son horrific mental relapses throughout the remainder of his life. The reason for including ‘loss for love’ in both of these works is to produce sympathy from viewers and create a more…
My Sister 's Keeper is a Drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes released in 2009 The Film takes place in Long Island, deals with the illness of 16-year old Kate(Sofia Vassilieva), who has suffered from leukemia most of her life. Trying to save their daughter, Kate’s parents, Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric), decide to have another baby whom they name Anna. She is a perfect combination of genetic material matched with the genetics of her sister. The parents use Anna’s umbilical cord to provide the life support needed to keep Kate alive. Unfortunately, this one procedure is not enough to save Kate. Over the course of the next 13 years, Anna is forced to undergo many medical procedures to help keep…
My Sister’s Keeper is a poignant, uplifting, emotional, sad, triumphant, passionate, heartwrenching and extremely powerful story about the Fitzgeralds, a family united in their love for each other but divided on exactly where the boundaries of family obligations, love and sacrifice should end. But it is, ultimately, a story of two sisters, the unbreakable bond they share and how…
“My Sisters Keeper” is about a family. Not your average family, but a family with three children, one who happens to be suffering from cancer. Since Kate was a little girl, she developed Leukemia, and needed all types of complicated surgeries, but little did her parents know that none of the family members were a match for kidney transplants, blood transfusions, and other needs of Kate. After a lot of thinking and consideration, they decided to have another child, except this one would be created to be genetically the same as Kate so that she could get the help she needed and hopefully be cured of her cancer. After the family had the new baby, Anna, she was immediately used for blood, bone marrow, and other surgeries. Anna grows tired of getting poked with needles and getting surgeries, so she does something unforgettable to herself, and her family.…
She is a strong emotionally nice woman who spend her whole life carrying about hazel or not her whole life? In the end Hazel finds out that her mother has been secretly taking classes to become a social worker . She takes care of Hazel more than she cares about herself and is helping Hazel survive her cancer. Sometimes she doesn’t let Hazel go out that much because she is afraid something might happen to her.…
"My Sister's Keeper is a beautiful, heartbreaking, controversial, and honest book." — Booklist [starred review] "A spellbinding suspense novel." — Publishers Weekly [starred review] "[A] tense, high-concept piece of women's fiction in the tradition of Anna Quindlen and Rosellen Brown." — Entertainment Weekly "Has the emotional tenacity to fuel tears and talk." — Daily News (New York)…