Your Task
Write a well-structured informal essay inspired by Bertrand Russell’s personal essay read in class. Your essay will discuss the three greatest passions in your life – those events, people, and experiences that have made you the person you are today. Give your essay a unique title.
Length: Minimum two pages, double spaced, 12 point font
Structure: Draw on your existing knowledge of essays as you structure this piece. Remember the key differences between informal and formal essays discussed in class.
Style: Show me what you know about writing style. Incorporate similes, metaphors, analogies, puns, oxymorons etc. where appropriate. This essay is an opportunity to showcase your unique “voice” in writing.
Purpose of this assignment 1. To demonstrate your existing knowledge of essay structure 2. To demonstrate your understanding of informal versus formal essays 3. To demonstrate your unique writing style
|Criteria |Level R |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |
| |(49% and below) |(50-59%) |(60-69%) |(70-79%) |(80-100%) |
|Communication |Essay does not make |Essay includes few style|Essay includes a few |Essay includes several |Essay includes numerous |
|Effective use of language to |effective use of style |devices. Those used are |style devices. Some are |original and effective |sophisticated style |
|create style and interest |devices. |cliché and awkwardly |awkwardly incorporated |style devices. |devices. |
| | |incorporated. |and seem “forced.” | |