Marieb, Elaine N. and Katja Hoehn. Anatomy & Physiology. 4th. San Franscio, CA: pearson, 2011.…
Overheating is a result of heat exposure. Heat related illnesses include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat rash etc. Symptoms include elevated body temp, headache, nausea, dizziness, fainting, seizures and confusion. The body reacts to heat by using perspiration to cool the body. Long periods of heat results in hyperthermia.…
3. Taking Lasix, drinking wine, and being in a hot tub exceeding the recommended temperature can all have negative effects.…
There are capillaries underneath your skin that can be filled with blood if you get too hot…
If the body cannot maintain its temperature, this can cause the person to overheat, resulting in hyperthermia. This would be fatal as the body cells would become destroyed as well as the body’s enzymes, which would mean that the organs would not be able to function and metabolic reactions would not be able to take place which would result in death.…
Signs and symptoms of a stroke: Numbness of face, arm, or leg on one side of the body.…
This more of an assignment then an essay to help people who are reading the Hot zone.…
The community and its residence are very active. Wearing sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses could prevent not only sunburn but could also prevent skin cancers and harm to the eyes. In Arizona, the residents are exposed to sunlight almost the entire day whether outside or driving in their cars. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke can lead to death. Being in temperatures reaching 115 degrees or higher certainly increases the chances of a heat stroke; especially while being active. Even the most experienced athlete or hiker can fall to the burning heat of the Arizona sun. Dehydration is an issue that affects all residents in the state of Arizona during the summer months. The air and hear are dry, therefore water loss is not as noticeably. Constant hydration in the summer months is imperative for good health. Two to three hours in the hot sun without water could kill a…
If a person is exposed to the cold for a prolonged period of a time and their bodily mechanisms are unable to replenish the heat which is being lost, the body’s core temperature will fall prompting characteristic symptoms such as shivering, mental confusion etc.…
Stroke like symptoms, such as muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the body…
Summer heat is cause for caution. Drivers must beware of blinding sun and take care to use sunglasses or pull down visors. Hot, humid weather may also cause windshields to fog up. Using air conditioning to maintain comfortable environment for passengers and pets is also often sensible. Parents may also find melted crayons or plastic toys if the car is left in the heat too long. On the other hand, leaving the air conditioning on too long can even cause the car to overheat. Additionally, the temptation to take long drives may lead to driver fatigue. All of these potential hazards mean drivers should be careful driving in the summer.…
c. Yes getting too hot can make you sick, the elderly are at the greatest risk.…
In muscle contraction calcium is released into the cell as a key component in muscle contraction. In MH there is a problem with calcium reuptake. Intracellular calcium increases up 500 fold leading to substained muscle contraction. The cell incurs a severe oxygen debt, the constant demand for ATP leads to glycolysis and subsequent to lactic acidosis. Eventually this lead to membrane instability, cell rupture and rhabdomyolysis. (…
A stroke occurs when an artery bursts or becomes closed when a blood clot lodges in it and blood flow is interrupted to that part of the brain. Blood circulating to that area of the brain served by the artery stops at the point of rupture, and the brain tissue in that area dies or is damaged. The effects of a stroke are determined by which portion of the brain is affected and how much damage occurs. A stroke can cause memory loss, speech impairment, reasoning ability, loss of vision, paralysis, coma, and death, depending on what region of the brain is affected. Strokes are considered to be medical emergencies that require immediate treatment.…
Some people who have a moderate to severe will have these symptoms along with others which include: a headache that gets worse and doesn’t go away, repeating vomiting and or nausea. More symptoms include convulsions and or seizures, inability to wake up after falling asleep, slurred speech, weakness and numbness in the arms and the legs, and dilated eye pupils.…