Mrs. Veliz
English I
19 April 2016
The Myth of Cecrops
Greek mythology are myths that belong to the ancient Greeks. Greek mythology is important because of the representational arts, and explain the origins of the world. These stories were passed from generation to generation . In Greek mythology , Cecrops was the first king of Attica. The myth of Cecrops reveals consequences of a cultural hero. Cecrops is a half man and half snake. He was a legendary ancestor of the greeks. He was the founder and first king of Athens. Cecrops , lord and hero , born of a dragon . This god is brave, he sacrifices for a lot of things , he sacrifice of living creatures to the gods. It was during his reign that the competition between …show more content…
On a steep stony hill in Greece there lived in early times a few very poor people who had not yet learned to build houses. They made their homes in little caves which they dug in the earth or hollowed out among the rocks and their food was the flesh of wild animals, which they hunted in the woods, with now and then a few berries or nuts. They did not even know how to make bows and arrows, but used slings and clubs and sharp sticks for weapons; and the little clothing which they had was made of skins. They lived on the top of the hill, because they were safe there from the savage beasts of the great forest around them, and safe also from the wild men who sometimes roamed through the land. The hill was so steep on every side that there was no way of climbing it save by a single narrow footpath which was always guarded by some one at the top. They would call him the king of the poor people . he taught the poor how to make bows and arrows , and how to set nets for birds , and how to take fish with hooks. Cecrops was a really nice person to the poor , he wanted to help everyone and try his best with helping them with whatever they needed …show more content…
Cecrops cared about the poor so he decided to help them , by teaching them things they did not know . He tried to make the own rich and strong . He led them against the savage wild men of the woods, and helped them kill the fierce beasts that had been so great a terror to them. He showed them how to build houses of wood and to thatch them with the reeds which grew in the marshes. He taught them how to live in families instead of herding together like senseless beasts as they had always done before. He was a really great