Remember where you were when the attacks of September 11th happened? Think back to that time. Think back to the scenes of burning rubble. Think back to the shock that all Americans felt at the ability of foreign terrorists to penetrate this country’s defenses and launch such an attack like that on American soil. If someone had told you that America would go almost a decade without another terrorist attack, would you have believed them? Probably not; which begs the question , why did that attack never come? Marc Thiessen, resident counterterrorism fellow at the American Enterprise Institute explains, that, “[T]there are only two possibilities. Either the terrorists lost interest in attacking us again, or we found out what their plans were and stopped them from carrying them out.”1 He asserts that, “T[t]he reason that attack did not happen is because America abandoned the law enforcement approach to terrorism that failed to stop the 1992 World Trade Center bombing, that failed to stop …show more content…
sSurveillance may not: 1). intentionally target anyone known to be inside the United States, 2). seek to reverse target a person believed to be in the United States through their contacts with individuals outside the US, 3). intentionally target any US person, or 4). intentionally collect any communication where the sender and all receivers are known to be in the