GEOL 1402 Oceanography Pre-lab Distribution of Land and Water
1. Name the five major oceans. ___Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Southern Ocean______________________________________________
2. Which of the five major oceans covers the largest area? _________Pacific Ocean____________________
3. Which of the five major oceans covers the smallest area? __Arctic Ocean_________________________
4. Name your favorite ocean. ________Pacific Ocean_____________________________________
5. Approximately what percentage of the earth’s surface is ocean? _______70%_________________
6. Which of the five major oceans completely surrounds the Antarctic continent?
_______Southern Ocean__________________________________
7. Which hemisphere would be considered the “land hemisphere?” ________Northern Hemisphere___________________
8. How many of the five major oceans are located in more than one hemisphere? ___3 out of 5_______
9. Due to the distribution of land and ocean, which hemisphere will have a greater range in seasonal
temperatures? __________Northern Hemisphere_______________
10. Where is most of the earth’s fresh water stored? __lakes, rivers, and streams________________________________
GEOL 1401 Oceanography Lab
Distribution of Land and Water
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me traditional Scottish folksong
OBJECTIVE: At the end of this exercise, you should be able to: approximate the percentage of the earth’s surface that is land vs ocean compare northern to southern hemisphere as to which could be considered the “water hemisphere” or the “land hemisphere” name and locate the five major oceans of the world compare the size of each of the five major oceans describe where most of the earth’s fresh water is stored
VOCABULARY – Be sure you can define the following terms or