19. By the mid 1800s, England was already undergoing its Industrial Revolution. France, however, had a late start due to the Napoleonic wars. Paris’s population began to grow at a rate of 86 percent while London’s population increased at a rate of 136 percent. In France, the poor were worse than they had ever been while in England, there were more opportunities …show more content…
The Paris house of Rothschild were the wealthiest bankers in Europe that arrived in France from Frankfurt. The house of Rothschild gave way to the growth of Jewish banking if France which in turn placed a greater emphasis on the role of banking in government loans. The house of Rothschild often advised France in order to prevent war with Austria by means of their carrier pigeons.
21. During the Industrial Revolution, medical advancements promoted longevity and gas lighting was introduced. However, the condition of Paris was very unhygienic, sewers served as street drains which increased the risk of plague, most commonly among the urban poor.
22. Romanticism developed in France after Napoleonic censorship was lifted. Romanticism embodied the spirit of revolt and grand emotion both political and societal. For example, Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables and Honoré de Balzac’s Pére Goriot depict the life and the struggles of the poor in France, including the inequality and fear that they suffered. Frédéric Chopin and Franz Liszt’s music was very emotional and was categorized as “Romantic” because of