The history behind this period comes from a plethora of countries, ages, and languages. For example the name “romanticism” takes its appellation from the medieval term “romances” which is usually considered a narration about the feats of heroes typically in an unknown setting. For instance during his reign Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) repealed the necessities of social, religious and political ameliorates. Therefore Artists tackled their craft with an ardent feeling that was similar or even more charismatic than that of the people actually going through it. Romanticism was started as a literary crusade in Germany during the 1800s soon after the idea spread through Europe. The Ideology was not only found appealing by poets and painters but by people that had an interest in imagination and bringing their …show more content…
Allowing me to think and visualize the things that are written, painted, and spoken. Relating the source of the pain to my sadness or the reason of the joy to my happiness. Isn't that the reason we listen to the music we listen to? When you are heartbroken don't you search for something that will “fix your heart”? When you are lighthearted don't you find something that will “lift your heart” even more? These are the questions that had all the same answers. Which created unity in times of