Throughout time, the history of Napoleon is retold over and over again. His conquests of Europe are legendary. He is considered one of the greatest military leaders, his victories are widely known, yet people seem to forget his losses. Napoleon had many domestic and diplomatic/military achievements, some were great and others were his worst blunders. To most of Europe, Napoleon was just another conqueror trying to expand his territories, but to the people of France, he was a great leader; he “restored peace and order at home” (Kagan, Ozment, Turner, Frank 586). Restoring order to France was one of his greatest domestic achievements; the people loved him for his support in helping them win their fight for equal rights “to achieve wealth, status, and security for their property” (Kagan, Ozment, Turner, Frank 586). Another of Napoleon’s domestic achievement was the Civil Code of 1804, otherwise known as the Napoleonic Code. This new law reform emphasized the abolishment of privileges based on birth, it also “allowed freedom of religion and stated that government jobs must be given to the most qualified” ( Privileges that the aristocracy enjoyed were no longer exclusive to them, Napoleon made it available for everyone. This reform made him very popular among the people, so in 1804 Napoleon was declared Emperor …show more content…
of the French. Napoleon had many victories, but one of his greater blunders was the execution of the Bourbon duke of Enghien. Napoleon “violated the sovereignty of the German state of Baden” by falsely accusing the duke of a royalist plot. His action in trying to destroy his enemy, Napoleon violated “international law and of due process”, provoking foreign opposition (Kagan, Ozment, Turner, Frank 586). This provocation would eventually lead to Napoleon’s ultimate defeat. The Invasion of Russia proved to be Napoleon’s greatest blunder.
He may have won the battle but the loss of is soldiers were significant; “Perhaps only 100,000 of the original 600,000 survived their ordeal” (Kagan, Ozment, Turner, Frank 598). He underestimated the Russian peoples resolve to surrender Moscow, the retreating Russian army set fire to the land, depriving Napoleon’s army of any food, fuel, and housing (Kagan, Ozment, Turner, Frank 598), greatly crippling his army. This invasion culminated in the European coalition, with the countries working together, Napoleon was defeated and exiled to the island of
Elba. Napoleon’s military leadership made him one of the greatest in history, but it also made him one of the most infamous rulers in history. His governing of France and the reforming of their laws made him very popular with his people. But his lust for power blinded him, thus creating mistakes and presenting his enemies with weaknesses.