Research Paper
English IV
Prepared and Submitted by:
Adrian R. Rosasiña
Submitted to:
Mrs. Felonila Cortado
Thesis Statement: Narcotics have valuable medical uses, however, illegal and excessive use of narcotics can endanger people’s lives because of its damaging effects on the mind and body.
I. Narcotics Education
A. Narcotics
B. Kinds of Narcotics
C. Characteristics and Medical Uses
II. Narcotics Abuse
A. Causes of Abuse
B. Tolerance and Withdrawal
III. Effects of Narcotics Abuse
A. Effects on the Person
B. Effects on the Family
C. Effects on the Community
IV. Treatment of Drug Abuses
Narcotics play a big role in the field of medicine. It has a capability to reduce pain that you are feeling and even helps you to avoid anxiousness. But these drugs should be use properly or else it can cause a big damage in your health.
It is very important for us to know something about these things. The study and findings that I have done regarding narcotics is really an important thing because you will be able to know how bad it can affects you when too much used and you will know how to avoid and fight against it.
There are many kinds of drugs, and narcotics are one of them. Narcotics don’t always have bad results in one’s health. In fact, it’s one of the drugs that help ill people to reduce tension, anxiety and aggression. They are also effective pain relievers, used in cough medicine preparation and can induce sleep.
These effects are really helpful when it comes on therapeutic setting but when improperly used, narcotics have adverse effects that may lead to abuse, and it will have a big effect on health of an individual who is involve. It can endanger people’s lives because of its damaging effects on the mind and body. The effects of narcotics abuse is felt not only by the individual but by the family, community, and society as
Bibliography: Darilag, Agripino G. Enjoy Life with P.E. and Health. Manila: SD Publications, Inc., 2009.