Essay #1: Narrative
My decision to enter a Community College and to attend classes for the first time can be difficult or easy depending to my motivation. I opt to attend this community college of Denver. My choice is based on four aspects: advantages, location, cost and quality of education. I think the community college of Denver’s location is in a good place for me that will help me to go to school. I love to see all the interesting things around the campus, the campus is big with two others campus: Metro state university and Denver university, exciting and full of life. I often visit the Tivoli, the gym; I also visit the learning center. The advantage; I will meet different people, languages, and cultures. Even though my classes was dropped, I was assisting or attending classes because I knew or believed I will make it, the things I found in my classes, I got the good teachers, they are patient, they never rush us ( students ). The teachers explain everything I ask and make me understand better. In addition, I saw them being organized, they planned what happens in every class. They also encourage and help me and others students to understand the courses. Almost every class I have homework, some quizzes online to exercise myself to perform better. All my three teachers have each special qualities that I appreciate, they give me strength and love for my classes that why I never miss my classes, I think I will get my goal. I like all my three teachers. Let me talk a little about the reading, writing centers, I find people really servable, helpful, comfort, when I get there I have to write my name first on the list, I always be welcome there when my turn come I see somebody introduce me to a Tutor, a Tutor will greet me gently and give me a seat and he or she will ask me what concern I have then I can explain all my concerns, I really see myself being help. I appreciate them and I encourage them