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Even though 94% of Americans say that animals used in food production for humans deserve to live free from abuse and cruelty, 10 billion farm animals are in conditions that are lower than low, often leading to a painful death (Farm Animal). Animal rights refers to the philosophy that animals as a whole should maintain the right to live a life without human exploitation, suffering and hurting, and dying young. The chicken production system seems good when all people see is advertisements with happy chickens in a field on grass free roaming to their hearts content. But if dug just a little deeper, you will see the layers of abuse no one will ever want to wrap their head around. There are many different processes of…
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Animal abuse is a topic that most people are aware of in this day and age. But to clarify this is not going to be a speech appealing to the pity of Sarah McLachlan's song during animal cruelty commercials. Believe me this topic is truly sad, but its gets worse when you look into the current problems. I will elaborate on what is currently being done. The SPCA is a very large benefactor in stopping animal abuse as many of you probably know by their numerous commercials asking for donations and public awareness but they cannot take this entire burden on their shoulders alone. The type of animal abuse I would like talk about is specific to farm animals. This is a particular topic that many people do not consider. The example i am going to use first is the life of a cow and then elaborate on chickens. A female cow on a dairy farm is repetitively impregnated, again, and again for the production of milk. Hundreds of cows residing on thousands of dairy farms across america are artificially inseminated to constantly produce milk for our consumption. After a time of nine months the cow gives birth to a calf, within hours or a day the calf is taken from the mom and transported to a veal…
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I am so sick of hearing cases on the news, like "Man from Atlanta is facing penalties in Georgia in which a puppy was cooked in an oven" or "Brothers in Atlanta are being charged for putting a puppy in a gas range and turning the gas on." Animal cruelty is one of the most common types of violence in the United States. It is not as accustomed to hear such heartbreaking cases as these. Some of the most common forms of animal cruelty are: Animal testing and experimentation in laboratories, lack of owners care and attention, and using animals as a way of entertainment. Now, lets take a closer look at these three forms of animal cruelty.…
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In my research on factory farming, many websites described in detail the abuse these poor innocent animals endure on a daily basis. The farms use various labels for the different types of processing such as broiler chickens, layer chickens, pigs, veal calves, and dairy cows. These names and labels are placed on the animals that are put through misery to satisfy the high demands for food products. For example, one instance of maltreatment, the broiler chicken, is raised for its thighs and breasts. The birds are bred to grow at a rapid rate and end up really heavy. Then their bones cannot support their weight, making it difficult to stand and eventually they cannot walk and are killed. Additionally, the birds are stripped of their beaks and toes to prevent fighting between them. The cruelty does not stop there.…
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Most factory farmed animals lives end in a torturous death; they are beaten or cut open and left to die slowly in agony. Most of the meat consumed in America is yielded form factory farming. Because state and federal laws in the United States do not support nor enforce laws that protect factory farmed animals against cruelty, it is indeed a crisis. At least thirty seven states in the US have changed laws against animal cruelty in farming practices to exempt common farming practices (Carlson).…
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Forcing animals out of their natural habitat and into industrialized secluded lots only to be fed, grow, slaughter, and then turned into pieces of meat for profit is the most obvious form of animal abuse ever. Many people can argue that the owners and companies can do whatever they…
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According to the Business and Society Review little protection is afforded to animals raised for human consumption; they are subject to abuse throughout the process of production, transportation, and slaughter. Some of the worst examples of abuse are found in factory farms where animals may literally never see the light of day or be afforded enough space to even turn around.…
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Lab testing, caging and animal violence are all examples of the abuse. Animals are abused and mistreated when they are used for research experiments. They are thrown in small cages daily, fed poorly, tortured, and they go through all these events no one would ever want to go through. Chickens for example, are often trapped in such small cages that they can't even stand; they just sit there all day everyday laying eggs for the farmers. When the chickens can't lay any more eggs they are slaughtered and sold as food. Humans can be selfish creatures that lock up helpless animals, kill them and eat them. These scientists treat animals like trash, more and more animals after each one many of them die.…
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Cosmetics and skin lotion are most popular. In these experiments animals, such as rabbits, mice and guinea pigs, are forced to inhale toxic chemical and forced to be injected to their bodies. Later on they are surveyed for any side effects. Then they are killed and still tested on with their leftover organs. That leads over to my next topic, is there a humane way to kill an animal? In some cultures the animal is a sacred thing and is held a ceremony when slaughtered. This has been done for centuries and is still done today. According to RSPCA in 2010, there are three ways killing an animal is by a rifle and four positions. The frontal method and is shot in the forehead, poll method where the animal is shot between the horns. And lastly the temporal method, the animal is shot between mid base of the eye and ear. These slaughters differ on all species. In my opinion, there is no way to humanely kill an animal, just like there's no way to “humanely” kill a human. With the growing population in the world, the cost of meat is only going to increase steadily. In a study by the National Academy of Science, the U.S will spend $1.6 trillion dollars by 2050. Studies shown that it cost less per acre to produce fruits and vegetables than it does to raise cattle. In conclusion animal agriculture is not sustainable and uses seventy percent of water consumption, according to United Nation Environmental Program. By the…
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Every day in the Australia animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. Animal abuse affects us in many ways: It’s bad for our animals, it affects not only the animal, but the witness’ and the abusers turn in to criminals. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals' rights. It is up to us to speak for the animals that lack a voice, who will, if we won’t?…
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Animals are beaten, neglected and forced to live out their days with no hope of survival. Animals feel so much pain when they are being abused by their owners; it’s disgusting to think a person would abuse a poor innocent animal, when it’s done nothing wrong.…
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The abuse of innocent animals is a serious offense that can be avoided by the enforcement of policy changes and harsher punishment. The current laws regarding animal cruelty and mistreatment are in dire need of being strengthened. Animals are living creatures that deserve basic rights. They are unable to take the witness stand to defend themselves; therefore it is our responsibility as caring people to do something about it. According The Legal Dictionary animal cruelty is defined as, “The infliction of physical pain, suffering, or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of training or discipline or (in the case of death) to procure food or to release the animal from incurable suffering, but…
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“Behavior that causes pain or suffering to a person or animal” is defined as cruelty. Some people might think that animal cruelty consists only of people actively being unkind to animals. That is not completely true. In fact, there are many forms of animal cruelty, not all of which are widely known, including animal neglect, animal slaughtering, animal breeding, farm practices, experimentation, hoarding, and use of animals for entertainment. While some organizations exist to help prevent animal cruelty, the lack of awareness surrounding animal cruelty issues has allowed many forms of animal cruelty to continue unregulated, and something needs to be done to stop this.…
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The BRP Hydrographer Presbitero, chartered for our expedition, is shown here at dock in the Port of Manila. (BRP is the acronym for Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas, which identifies it as a ship of the Republic of the Philippines.) The ship is used for various types of marine research, but she is specifically charged with producing data that can be used to create navigational charts and topographic maps. Image courtesy of 2007: Exploring the Inner Space of the Celebes Sea.…
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