Certain events in life I don’t need the help of being reminded, I just know. Like today’s date, I know without looking it up or having to have someone remind me, I know that today is the anniversary date marking the end my mother’s earthly life, and the beginning of her eternal life.
Not just today, but many days I’m reminded of her faith, wisdom, and love.
Like, when I heard Jimmy Carter’s press conference telling the world how he felt regarding his health issues, I was once again reminded of my mom. Both seem to have held the same deep sense of faith for the God they worshipped.
“I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes.” Jimmy Carter
“Whenever the good Lord wants to take me I’m ready . . . I’ve led a long …show more content…
Her faith was our family’s backbone that we leaned upon.
When I became a mother myself, and whenever the situation presented itself where my family would attend church together with her I would somehow make sure both of my kids were situated one on each side. I would then secretly take up more elbowroom than needed as we kneeled in the pew so that my kid’s elbows and hers would have to touch—wanting some of her faith to rub onto them. (That’s how holy she was!)
Romans 12:2 also brings her memory to my mind as I read, “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.”
If you too are remembering someone you loved dearly that has passed from this life to the next take refuge in the fact that they are in good hands, “the hands of God.”
I can almost see her shaking her head in agreement with Carter’s words, “I’m perfectly at ease with whatever