It was the 11th of September, I just had arrived to the World Trade Center in Manhattan, I was the coordinator of British Airways in the US, the very same morning I met a new colleague, who surprisingly was my High School friend, after arriving at the 88th floor, we stepped outside of the elevator and arrived at our own working cubicles, not knowing what was to come in the next minutes.
After I had a sip of my coffee, I looked out the window; it must have been 09:00 by then. I started checking my paper work and suddenly, I heard a plane roaring in the sky, its main route was pointed at us. In the seconds to go I instructed my fellow colleagues to sit down and brace themselves to something that could save their lives.
The whole structure shook, we heard explosions, there was smoke everywhere, the paper work was no more important to me, I had to help everyone to safety but truly at the moment saving myself was the top priority in my mind.
Due to the increased smoke, it was difficult to see. Being an airlines worker, I had identified the bird as a Boeing 747, a passenger plane, so I knew that there were lives gone due to the “crash”, but there were gallons and gallons of highly flammable jet fuel that was making the fire increase and weakening the structure of the building.
After the shock my high school friend, Allen, reached my cubicle and asked for guidance as he was new, all of us heard police and ambulance sirens , now it must have been 09:15, the police officer on our floor told us that the elevators were closed due to intense fire but we were trapped on the 88th floor.
Allen was a really healthy person, but I could not go 88 stories down by myself, as I was just recovering from a car accident last summer in which my right leg got badly injured, as we were on the 86th floor now, we heard another crash, the building shook again, the lights were out now and the smoke was increasing at an alarming rate.
I could see a lot of panicked people, who