National Football League (NFL) is an American gridiron football organization, founded in 1920 by Jim Thorpe as American Professional Football Association. Jim Thorpe was the first president of the association, he was a famous American athlete and league player. Later on, in
1922, the association was renamed as National Football League. In the beginning, league comprised of fourteen teams but with few years the number kept increasing. And today NFL comprises of thirty two teams. NFL is the most popular sports league of America and has faced many years of instability and competition from rival leagues to become the strongest American …show more content…
Each conference has 16 teams that are further divided into four sides, each side with four teams.
NFL claims to be an organization that safeguards the game integrity, is ethical in its dealings with fans, clubs and business partners. They claim to create an environment where trust and confidence is appreciated. NFL plans to take the game at a level where it attracts vast share of audience and makes NFL Football, the world’s best sport (Our Values, 2015).
NFL is currently managed by Roger Goodell who became its commissioner in 2006 and has a strict policy protecting the repute of NFL. But he has been criticized always on most of his decisions and is blamed for not acting quickly or not being severe, enough. The Ray Rice crisis has put a question mark on NFL that whether it is an honest organization or not? This crisis has tarnished the image of the league. The crisis rose when a video was leaked about Ray Rice who was dragging her unconscious fiancée out of the elevator. And on the basis of that