The establishment of the First and Second Banks of the US caused great controversy and sectionalism because their constitutionality were questioned by those with a strict construction of the Constitution and supported by those with a loose construction of the Constitution. The First Bank of the US was proposed by Alexander Hamilton, who had a loose construction of the Constitution, as a part of his Financial Plan. Hamilton wanted to solve America’s debt problem, as well as increase the country’s economic stability and credibility. He calculated that the Bank would benefit the economy by helping to facilitate government finances, functioning as a commercial bank, and lending to businesses as a central source of capital. The federal government owned two million dollars of the Bank, giving it considerable control, and the remaining eight million would be owned by private investors. This gave the federal government a large amount of power over the
The establishment of the First and Second Banks of the US caused great controversy and sectionalism because their constitutionality were questioned by those with a strict construction of the Constitution and supported by those with a loose construction of the Constitution. The First Bank of the US was proposed by Alexander Hamilton, who had a loose construction of the Constitution, as a part of his Financial Plan. Hamilton wanted to solve America’s debt problem, as well as increase the country’s economic stability and credibility. He calculated that the Bank would benefit the economy by helping to facilitate government finances, functioning as a commercial bank, and lending to businesses as a central source of capital. The federal government owned two million dollars of the Bank, giving it considerable control, and the remaining eight million would be owned by private investors. This gave the federal government a large amount of power over the