The vast expanse of water below you, you're dangling on a large chain of gold, sweat dripping off of you into the water, the only sound you can hear is the plop plop of the water hitting the ocean below you, you think back to only minutes before, reach into your satchel and drop some sand into the water, the sand slowly expands outwards, reaching farther than your eye can see, you drop onto your newly created land. The two creation stories are very similar but they are more different than you think.…
The different stories about how the world was created between numerous diverse cultures are called origin myths, which are stories that explain how things came to be and are probably the first stories human beings told. There are many similarities and differences between the Cheyenne Myth, “How the World was Made,” and the Hebrew Story, “In the Beginning,” that show how each culture views its’ God and humanity’s relationship to each of these. While both stories have animals being created before the humans, it shows the power of a greater being which is perceived differently for how they each treated the animals or humans and how they created the earth.…
The two myths are told in children stories but told in different ways for children.…
The Iroquois, a Native American tribe, believe that the world was not actually created but that it already existed. There was a sky world and an ocean that laid below. The sky world was full of sky people, and among the sky people was a pregnant woman and her husband. While finding food one day the sky woman fell through a hole to the underworld taking the roots of the tree with her. A muskrat then brought the dirt to plant the tree on the turtle's back. She had her chikd, who was a girk. The daughter then got pregnant by a mysterious man when he laid two…
“And God said, let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3). Christian’s believe in one God as their only creator. This is known as monotheism. According to Genesis, the first chapter of the Bible, God had created light and separated it from darkness, thus creating day and night. “The Creation Story” from the Bible later reveals that the earth was created in six days and rested on the seventh (Genesis 1). Opposing the Bible, “The World on a Turtle’s Back” begins with a pregnant women infatuated with strange delicacies. The women had demanded that her husband gather bark from the roots of a sacred tree. The disobedient husband did not accept the mission so the pregnant wife had become very impatient and bent over to collect the bark from the roots herself. Meanwhile, the women fell. As the women fell downward, she frantically tried to grip anything she could find hanging on the edge of the Sky-World to catch her fall. The story continues by explaining how the birds of the sea gently caught the women and calmly placed her on the back of a turtle. The creatures of the sea tended to the women by getting all necessary materials she needed. The muskrat had gathered her soul from the bottom of the sea. While on the turtle’s back, the women planted the roots she had gathered on the descending trip. From there, the women began to walk in a circle the direction in which the sun goes and the earth began to grow (WOTB 36). Right from the beginning, these two stories are…
As Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth,” but according to the Iroquois, the creation of life took place in a much different way. Throughout the book of Genesis in the New Testament, the description of the creation goes by days. In the story “The World on a Turtle’s Back,” the creation of Earth happens in a series of events, all caused by the gods in the Sky World. According to the Hebrews, the sky and Earth were created by the commanding of God, unlike what the Iroquois foretold. Consequently, God was said to have commanded that the Earth create all sorts of animals, including wild and tame ones, but the Iroquois state that the left-handed and right-handed twins created the animals that still roam Earth to this day. Moreover, in the Iroquois myth, the formation of man occurred when the pregnant…
After reading and listening to the two creation myths, I have come to conclusion that, even though most myths come from different cultures and places in time, there will always be some sort of similarities and differences to make them unique in their own special…
In one we see the presence of two beings as co-creators of the world, their sons born of their embrace also help create the world as we know it today. In the other story we see one single all powerful being that has the power to create and destroy. However in both stories we see that the world starts off in darkness, and after a short period of light turmoil arises, and it is in the aftermath of this turmoil that the world becomes as we know it…
There are two main similarities between the creation myths and the literacy narratives, For example, they both mention race and ethnicity. In the literacy narratives they mention blacks, whites, and Jewish people. In the creation myths they mention several different colors for instance, red, and yellow, black and white. There are also many differences between the myths and the literacy narratives. The creation myths are fictional and discuss the dawn of time, and the literacy narratives are nonfiction and discuss human race, slavery, and learning how to read and write. There are also differences between the Fredrick Douglass literacy narrative and the Gerald Graff literacy narrative.…
For long periods of time, the Navajo tribe has passed down their own creation myths and ideas of how life on Earth was created. The Navajos, one of the world’s largest tribes of American Indians live near the Southwest of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. In order to survive the Navajos trade maize and woven cotton items for basic necessities such as meat and tools. The Navajos believe that in order to live in harmony along with nature, one must seek to maintain balance and peace among individuals and the universe. Also, they consider all living things as their relatives due to their belief that all living things contain their own spirits or inner form. Many of the Navajo Indian games and traditions were developed…
The myths share four main archetypes, while “Woman Who Fell..” has a fifth, different archetype. Archetypes are universal understood symbols that appears repeatedly in stories from different cultures and across time. The first archetype that they share is a world covered in water, the earth is flooded and has no land. This part relates to the Bible story “Noah’s Ark” when the whole earth flooded and was covered in water. The second archetype that the share is a Life-Giving Tree, which brings food and life to both myths. The tree gives food and fruits to the sky people and is a center of peoples lives, everything revolves around it. Also in the movie “Avatar” there is a tree called “The Tree of Souls” which is the center of Na'vi culture and religion. The Na'vi believe it allows them to communicate directly with Eywa, their mother goddess. The third archetype is a “Mother Figure” which both myths share. Both women fall from the sky with innocence, and the women from “Woman Who Fell..” gives birth to a baby girl and nurtures her then later who gives birth to mankind which are twins. This relates to everybody because we all have mothers who nurture us and comforts us. The fourth archetype that they share is the great “Turtle” who is the center of the earth. In both myths the turtle piles dirt on his back to create land for the women to survive. This relates to a movie called “Kun-Fu Panda” which the Turtle is the wise one and knows everything that is going to happen. The fifth archetype is “Twins” which is only in “Woman Who Fell..”, which represents opposing principles. The twins are like yin and yang, one is good and the other is evil. They both find new land and start creating things around the earth, the evil one creates something horrible which make the good one kill the evil one. This archetype relates to a Roman Myth called “Romulus and Remus” which both twins are abandoned by their mother and raised by a wolf, then founded and…
As a whole, Native American Mythology has always been about two main subjects, the origin of a certain object, or the creation of the earth and its beings. In these three stories, The Earth on Turtle’s Back, When Grizzlies Walked Upright, and The Navajo Origin Legend, they all share similar ideas and backgrounds. The beliefs and attitudes that the natives had towards each other, animals, and the gods were unique, and were shared throughout the entire tribes.…
Native American myths all come from different tribes and many different religions, they have made up over the years. Their stories are mostly about how the world came to be and why creatures don’t all look the same. “When Grizzlies Walked Upright”, “The Earth on Turtle’s Back”, and “The Navajo Origin Legend”, are all Native American stories have different perspectives on how the world came to be. The stories told by the Natives were based on what their beliefs, and religion represented. Their customs also played a big role on how and what story they would put on a new discovered creature.…
In the Iroquois Creation Story, there is a roller coaster of emotions for myself as a reader who has never really read anything other than Christianity. While discovering that a turtle is believed to have been involved in the creation of the Great Island, which is now, North America and a virgin woman gave birth to twins. I found myself very confused, wondering how someone believes this. This woman was a virgin who was saved and comforted by a turtle after a long fall from the “upper world” and gave birth to twins, Enigorio and Enigonhahetgea, one of which decided to come out her side? However, right then I realized I was guilty of judging too quickly, so I attempted to draw comparisons to the Christian story and was stopped in my thoughts. Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, so how can I possibly believe that and turn around and say or think that the Iroquois story is not believable? If this story is looked at with an open mind, it is incredibly similar to the…
2. Iroquois Creation Story and Pima Creation Stories has their own characters and distinct version of how the world came to be. In the first story, the Sky Woman, mother of the twins, Good Mind (Enigorio), and Bad Mind (Enigonhahetgea) were the major characters. The parent was pregnant, with the twins, without any sexual activity. She sunk into the Dark World and went into labor. One twin turned evil and burst forward under the side of the parent’s arm, killing her. As…