Racism relates to “Shooting an Elephant” because the British Empire colonizing Burma was means conveying their alleged superiority. Despite sympathizing with Burmese a little bit, George Orwell expressed his own perceived racial superiority by referring to the Burmese as, “sneering yellow faces…” and “evil spirited beasts”. One of the forms of racism displayed in “Indian Education” is internalized racism. The native aboriginal boys that bullied the author disrespected their own culture by turning a custom into a cruel joke when they called Sherman Alexie names such as “Bloody Nose” and “Junior Falls
Racism relates to “Shooting an Elephant” because the British Empire colonizing Burma was means conveying their alleged superiority. Despite sympathizing with Burmese a little bit, George Orwell expressed his own perceived racial superiority by referring to the Burmese as, “sneering yellow faces…” and “evil spirited beasts”. One of the forms of racism displayed in “Indian Education” is internalized racism. The native aboriginal boys that bullied the author disrespected their own culture by turning a custom into a cruel joke when they called Sherman Alexie names such as “Bloody Nose” and “Junior Falls