force many of the natives off the land their ancestors had lived on for, they tried to instill the American culture on many of the Native Indian children. Mainly trying to disconnect them from their previous culture and ancestry. After most of the Native American population was killed off, the ones who had survived were put on reservations. Since most of the US government looked down upon the first Indigenous people, many of them had trouble finding jobs, and were ripped off by the government. This constant oppression has caused a number of health problems to manifest in the Native American community like alcoholism, depression, obesity, and drug dependance. Many of the people living on reservations struggle with being suicidal, and other mental health issues.
force many of the natives off the land their ancestors had lived on for, they tried to instill the American culture on many of the Native Indian children. Mainly trying to disconnect them from their previous culture and ancestry. After most of the Native American population was killed off, the ones who had survived were put on reservations. Since most of the US government looked down upon the first Indigenous people, many of them had trouble finding jobs, and were ripped off by the government. This constant oppression has caused a number of health problems to manifest in the Native American community like alcoholism, depression, obesity, and drug dependance. Many of the people living on reservations struggle with being suicidal, and other mental health issues.