Title of Song: Native American Spiritual Music
Style of work: Native American
Medium: Flute and drums
As we all know Native American music is heavily influenced by many instruments, but the rattles, drums and the flute are regarded as the instruments that are considered the most important. The piece of music I listened to is titled, “Native America Spiritual Song”. The music for this piece is very mellow and relaxing, at certain points this piece literally gave me goose bumps. In the beginning, the three main instruments that I heard are the drums, rattles and the flute. Also, in the beginning you can hear a male that says something. I believe it's in a native language, but it could be a verse they say when they are dancing. The overall flow of the song is very smooth, and the beat is very steady. There are no as they call it “up and downs” in this piece. After listening to the song multiple times I realized the song is very repetitive. You can say that the song is on a loop because the beat and what the guy was saying in the beginning is the same later on into the song. Before listening to this music piece, I didn't expect to hear this particular instrument which I believe is called the Native American Maschine. Before the song repeats itself I believe the songs pitches are in a ascending order. A piece like this is very hard to describe because to fully experience what this song is all about a person has to listen to it through their own ears. In my opinion it is just breathtaking!
My overall opinion on Native American music has dramatically changed now. I never expected Native America music to sound this good. I have always had this opinion that their music consisted of only drums and flutes, but I was very wrong. I did my paper on just one song, but I listened to many other pieces of Native America music. I'm not afraid to say this, but some of these songs sounded better then what today's generation listens to and this