complicated history specifically the Apache, which can be seen through their colonization, education, and the structure of the reservation will demonstrated. Americans colonization of Native Americans was a long journey.
"The journey of a thousands suns begins today... To them I say that no sacrifice is too dear and no danger too great to ensure the very survival of our human species,"(David Marusek, Mind Over Ship). The quote suggest that people will go to hell and back if they have the determination and motivation to achieve their goal. Similarly, the Native American's colonization shows this how they traveled from Asia to Alaska then finally North America. During the process they learned essential strategies to survive. What was previously mention is very important to understand because, Native Americans add to diversity to the European which made them get a understand and except Native Americans for who they are. This later buckled down to society that we know …show more content…
Americans colonization of Apache was a difficult event. "You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealously, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Find your dream. It's the pursuit of the dream that heals you," (Billy Mills). This quote implies that after all the obstacles that happen in life doesn’t matter because the end result conquers it all. In a similarly way, Apache Colonization. How they had to move and deal with the European hate towards there culture. Native American can equally relate to this quote. Since Apache tribe is culturally related to Native Americans causing them to have similar discrimination and opinions. Native American's established the education today.
"The teachings are for all, not just for Indians... The white people never wanted to learn before. They thought we were savages. Now they have a different understanding, and they do want to learn. We are all children of God. The tradition is open to anyone who wants to learn," (Don Jose Matusuwa, Huichol). The quote illustrates how Native Americans established the education today. The Native Americans education has a very important role in society today, which the quote reveals. Whites had never wanted to learn until they understood the concept. Since Native Americans allowed them to learn, everyone has the opportunity to learn and pursuit their dreams
now. The education of Apache tribe was learned through their parents and school. "The one that matter most are the children. They are the true human beings," (Native American Lakota Proverb). People are (legally) consider a child until the age of eighteen. During this time girls learn to take care of the younger kids, accumulate nourishment and firewood, and construct wickiups, carry water, sew, and help with the cooking. The young men help their fathers by watching or getting steeds, presenting to them any items they required, holding the end of a bow, or steadying an arrow as their fathers tied on the feathers. Not only were Apache children taught this but also Native Americans. Apaches and Native Americans knew that what they taught had a big effect on society. The life on the reservations were a horrendous experience for the Native Americans. "Living conditions on the reservations have been cited as 'comparable to Third World,” (May 5 2004, Gallup independent). The quote focuses on just one the horrendous experiences Native Americans had to go through on the reservation. They also faced many economic issues, diseases, and alcoholism.
The Apache tribe life on the reservation were difficult. "The Indians, however could not migrate from one part of the United States to another; neither could they obtain employment as readily as white people, either upon or beyond the Indian reservations,"(Nelson A. Miles). The quote highlights one of the dreadful experiences Apache tribe had to face. This quote also was something all Native Americans had to face also the quote previous paragraph Apache tribe experienced.
Native Americans had been living on the landmass of North America for a long time and the Americas found that there were more than 10 million Native Americans effectively living on the continent. When European arrived things were difficult for them and the Apache tribe. I concluded that Native Americans and the Apache tribe had a enormous affect on American today. What I learned was different then what I was that. I knew about the history but I never how they really shaped the society today.