Mayans were great at math and astronomy. They understood the Fibonacci ratio of 1:1.68 and the concept of the number zero came almost eight hundred years before other civilizations. This advanced math was used in their architecture to build elaborate pyramids in order to perform religious rituals. On top of these grand pyramids, religious temples consisting of shrines were built in order to get them closer to the heavens. The pyramids were dedicated to deities and some grew into incredible cities such as Uxmal, Tikal, and Chichen Itza. Some rituals and ceremonies were associated with the …show more content…
They were the first to understand planets elliptical orbits and built observatories to study Venus and constellations.
During the eighth and ninth centuries, the Mayan civilizations started to decline due to drought and other agriculture problems. The land had become infertile. Their land was a seasonal desert and it depended on the seasonal rains to replenish the water. The northern Yukitan cities had established sacbes, modern day roadways, to connect nearby villages which helped them endure as their Old Empire