Humans are not alone on the planet. There are many other things that influenced by human. Also we discover new kind of living things with technological improvements. However, some kind of organisims become extinct because of damages by human influenced. Instead of human , there are so many organizations to protect the animals which are dying out ,but we all know that is not sufficent and we also don’t know what to do for the absolute solution exactly. It is my thought that before reading the “Rewilding north America”. She wants to rewild animals to protect them any damages on the space. She has a strong reason for doing that as she told in her essay “In the last 15 year or so,27 – percent of the known wolf deaths have been from the railway,and 60-percent were on the highway.Just 5-percent were natural....”. And it is just a research statistic for wolfs, there are lots of different kind of animals which disappear because of the civilizied world. You can easily have an idea that it is unavoidable thing that we should protect them,if you don’t read the “Selections from Into
The Wild”. When I read the Krakauer’s “Selections from Into The Wild”, I realized that we begin to rewild ourselves.
For rewild ourselves and animals,first of all we have to understand clearly what they mean about ‘rewilding’.As Fraser’s part, she has a theory about that “But we get ahead of ourselves. Before projects , before Pluie,before the proof there was a theory. Like Newton’s falling apple, Pluie acted as inspration and demonstration. But scientific journeys begin with questions, not answers. The origins of rewilding-the conservation method designed to slow wave of human –caused extinctions-are rooted in the most important ecological theory of the twentieth century, a theory that examines the forces governing extinction, theory of island bigeography.”(112) .It is hard to don’t agree that but in my opinion we first rewild ourselves about the wild by education. Before I read “Selection From Into The Wild”, I have no idea about the wild ,nature life. I never think to live in nature. I only know that there is a bunch of wild animal and there are trees and rivers. We know how to poison and how to damage it,but that is not what wild is about. I am totally sure that it is not only my idea.
Krakauer explained this rewilding process like this “Two years he walks the eart, no phone
,no pool ,no pets, no cigarettes.Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return , ’Cause “The west is the best” and now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. The days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the great white north. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees,and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild.”(207). After reading this story , I begin to understand why McCandless ran away.
He doesn’t want to be a part of this destructive world.In my country , I live in a city named
Istanbul.It is so beautiful to live but getting crowded day by day .Being crowded make city unavailable to live. For example if you want to go somewhere , you should leave your home at least 1 hour earlier owing to traffic. Also Istanbul has a marmara sea,however people couldn’t swim in it because of dirt. This dirty not only affect on human life but also on animal life. Unfourtunately some fishes are disappear.if we keep doing that way ,everything is getting worse. The much more worse thing that we just focus on different things instead of just care about what our damages are and how we solve. This make us selfish. So that’s the reason why I said that we should begin to rewild firstly ourselves. As it stated that No longer poisoned by civilization he flees and walks alone upon the land to become into the wild”(207), McCandless disturbs same problems. ). Civilized world caused the murder of both the animals and our pure happines, I agree the lines that Mccandless had marked from
Tolstoy’s “Family Happiness” in Krakauer’ “Selections From Into The Wild”; “I have lived through much,and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbor-such is my idea of happiness. And the, on top of all that,you for a mate,and children,perhaps-what more can the heart of a man desire?”(211).McCandless couldn’t survive but this fact doesn’t make his story less compelling.
In conclusion, if we want to flee from the civilization and catch the same happiness with
McCandless ,first of all we rewild ourselves trough education. Beginning to the our life , after that time we have to be careful what we are doing and , how these effect not only our life but also all things that need to be alive.