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Pakistan’s Natural Riches: A Report
August 17, 2009 tags: 9/11, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, America, Barack Obama, CIA, coal, Copper, crude oil, DEMOCRACY, economic collapse, Hammad Q, hydroelectric energy, India, Indonesia, Israel, Mineral, Mossad, Natural Gas, Natural Riches, Noreen Shaikh, Nuclear Plants, Pakistan, Pakistan Petroleum Ltd, RAW, Sui, Taliban, Tanya Abbas, terrorism, United States, US Army, USA, Vietnam, war on terror, World Bank, Zardari, Zionist by pakalert
[pic]PKKH Editorial Team Exclusive Report
By Noreen Shaikh | Edited by Hammad Q and Tanya Abbas
There are many among the youth of our country who underestimate the beauty of Pakistan; they fail to see the treasures hidden under the cultural landscape and look at it condescendingly, comparing it to other countries with superficial “luxuries” to offer. Among the many things that are unwary of, they do not know that this wondrous land which is the sixth most populous country in the world, boasts the second largest Muslim (and Shi’ite Muslim) population, only after Indonesia. It has been listed as one of the next eleven economies identified by Goldman Sachs investment bank and is believed to have a high potential of becoming the world’s largest economies in the 21st century, Insha’ALLAH.
This land of the pure has natural resources in such abundance that it can sustain itself for many years ahead. Scientific investigation and exploration, into the resources, have only really been under way for a