Naturalistic and experimental methods are ways to gather information about the development of children. Naturalistic methods is the most direct way to gather and study information. This type of data collection is done by observing and recording the behavior of people in the course of their everyday lives. Experimental methods is used to study the cause and effect relationships. In experiments, a change is introduced to a group’s experience and the effects of the change …show more content…
This method involves recording everything that is happening in the order that it happens in as much detail as possible over a time period. Time sampling observations with predetermined codes method is conducting observations in intervals at certain frequencies over a period a time with a set of predetermined codes for the behaviors. Running record observations records a global report of child behavior, whereas time sampling observations focuses on a certain aspect of a child’s behavior. When looking for patterns in children’s overall social behaviors and when looking specifically for one type of behavior, all methods in research have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages for running record global observations is that all significant behaviors and interactions are recorded as they happen. Running record global observations also allows a large amount of information to be gathered in a short period of time. The disadvantages consist of requiring intense observations and focused attention because children’s actions can happen very quickly, and only one child can be observed at a time. The advantages of time sampling observations with predetermined codes are a group of children can be observed and recorded at once and it does not require intense observations. The disadvantages consist of lacking detail when observing, missing important behaviors